Publikace do roku 2010
- Komárek M., Vaněk A., Mrnka L., Sudová R., Száková J., Tejnecký V. & Chrastný V. (2010) Potential and drawbacks of EDDS-enhanced phytoextraction of copper from contaminated soils
Enviromental Pollution 158: 2428-2438.
- Sudová R., Rydlová J., Münzbergová Z. & Suda J. (2010) Ploidy-specific interactions of three host plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: Does genome copy number matter? American Journal of Botany 97: 1798-1807.
- Bukovská P., Jelínková M., Hršelová H., Sýkorová Z. & Gryndler M. (2010) Terminal restriction fragment length measurement errors are affected mainly by fragment length, G+C nucleotide content and secondary structure melting point Journal of Microbiological Methods 82: 223-228.
- Janoušková M. & Pavlíková D. (2010) Cadmium immobilization in the rhizosphere of arbuscular mycorrhizal plants by the fungal extraradical mycelium Plant and Soil 332: 511-520.
- Kovářová M., Bartůňková K., Frantík T., Koblihová H., Prchalová K. & Vosátka M. (2010) Factors influencing the production of stilbenes by the knotweed, Reynoutria × bohemica BMC Plant Biology 10: 19.
- Borstler B., Thiéry O., Sýkorová Z., Berner A. & Redecker D. (2010) Diversity of mitochondrial large subunit rDNA haplotypes of Glomus intraradices in two agricultural field experiments and two semi-natural grasslands Molecular Ecology 19: 1497-1511.
- Oliveira R. S., Boyer L. R., Carvalho M. F., Jeffries P., Vosatka M., Castro P. M. L. & Dodd J. C. (2010) Genetic, phenotypic and functional variation within a Glomus geosporum isolate cultivated with or without the stress of a highly alkaline anthropogenic sediment
Applied Soil Ecology 45: 39-48.
- Oliveira R. S., Franco A. R., Vosátka M. & Castro P. M. L. (2010) Management of nursery practices for efficient ectomycorrhizal fungi application in the production of Quercus ilex Symbiosis 52: 125-131.
- Vohník M., Burdíková Z., Albrechtová J., Vosátka M. (2009): Testate Amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) vs. Ericoid Mycorrhizal and DSE Fungi: A Possible Novel Interaction in the Mycorrhizosphere of Ericaceous Plants? Microbial Ecology 57: 203-214.
- Čuříková M., Látr A., Vosátka M. (2009): Growth and viability of mycorrhizal extraradical mycelia associated with three temperate orchid species. Biologia 64: 63-68.
- Mrnka L., Tokarová H., Vosátka M., Matějka P. (2009): Interaction of soil filamentous fungi affects needle composition and nutrition of Norway spruce seedlings. In Trees-Structure and Function 23. 887-897.
- Janoušková M., Seddas P., Mrnka L., Vosátka M., van Tuinen D., Dvořáčková A., Tollot M., Gianinazzi-Pearson V., Vosátka M., Gollotte A. (2009): Development and activity of Glomus intraradices as affected by co-existence with Glomus claroideum in one root system. Mycorrhiza 19: 393-402.
- Vosátka M., Albrechtová J. (2009): Benefits of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Sustainable Crop Production. In: Khan M., Zaidi A., Musarrat J. (Eds.). Microbial Strategie for Crop Improvement. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-01987-4. pp. 205-225.
- Sudová R. (2009): Different growth response of five co-existing stoloniferous plant species to inoculation with native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Plant Ecology 204: 135-143.
- Vlasáková B., Raabová J., Kyncl T., Dostál P., Kovářová M., Kovář P., Herben T. (2009): Ants accelerate succession from mountain grassland towards spruce forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 577-587.
- Dostálek J., Weber M., Matula S., Frantík T. (2009): Planting of different-sized tree transplants on arable soil. Central European Journal of Biology, 4: 276-284.
- Sudová R., Doubková P., Vosátka M. (2008): Mycorrhizal association of Agrostis capillaris and Glomus intraradices under heavy metal stress: Combination of plant clones and fungal isolates from contaminated and uncontaminated substrates. Applied Soil Ecology 40: 19-29.
- Koukol O., Benová B., Vosmanská M., Frantík T., Vosátka M., Kovářová M. (2008): Decomposition of spruce litter needles of different quality by Setulipes androsaceus and Thysanophora penicillioides. Plant and Soil 311: 151-159.
- Rydlová J., Püschel D., Vosátka M., Charvátová K. (2008): Different effect of mycorrhizal inoculation in direct and indirect reclamation of spoil banks. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality - Angewandte Botanik 82: 15-20.
- Püschel D., Rydlová J., Vosátka M. (2008): Does the sequence of plant dominants affect mycorrhiza development in simulated succession on spoil banks? Plant and Soil 302: 273-282.
- Vosátka M., Albrechtová J. (2008): Theoretical aspects and practical use of mycorrhizal technology in floriculture and horticulture. Global Science Book (Ed. J.A. Teixteira da Silva) Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology. pp. 466-479.
- Vosátka M., Látr A., Albrechtová J. (2008): How to apply mycorrhizal inocula in a large-scale and what outcome can be expected in respect to plant growth and cultivation costs. In: Feldmannn F., Kapulnik Y., Baar J. (eds.) Mycorrhiza Works. Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft, Braunschweig. ISBN 978-3-941261-01-3, pp. 323-339.
- Vosátka M., Gajdoš J., Kolomý P., Kavková M., Oliviera R. S., Franco A. R., Sousa N. R., Carvalho M. F., Castro P. M. L., Albrechtová J. (2008): Applications of ectomycorrhizal inocula in nursery and field plantings: the importance of inoculum tuning to target conditions. In: Feldmann F., Kapulnik Y., Baar J. (eds.) Mycorrhiza Works. Desutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, ISBN 978-3-941261-01-3, pp. 112-124.
- Vosátka M., Albrechtová J. (2008): The international market development for mycorrhizal technology. In: Varma, A. (Eds.): Mycorrhiza: State of the Art, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Eco-Function, Biotechnology, Eco-Physiology, Structure and Systematics. Springer, ISBN-10: 3540788247, pp. 419-438.
- Püschel D., Rydlová J., Sudová R., Gryndler M. (2008): Cultivation of flax in spoil-bank clay: Mycorrhizal inoculation vs. high organic amendments. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171: 872-877.
- Gryndler M., Sudová R., Püschel D., Rydlová J., Janoušková M., Vosátka M. (2008): Cultivation of high-biomass crops on coal mine spoil banks: Can microbial inoculation compensate for high doses of organic matter? Bioresource Technology 99: 6391-6399.
- Sudová R., Vosátka M. (2008): Effects of inoculation with native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on clonal growth of Potentilla reptans and Fragaria moschata (Rosaceae). Plant and Soil 308: 55-67.
- Pánková H., Münzbergová Z., Rydlová J., et al. (2008): Differences in AM fungal root colonization between populations of perennial Aster species have genetic reasons. Oecologia 157: 211-220.
- Selosse MA., Vohník M., Chauvet E. (2008): Out of the rivers: are some aquatic hyphomycetes plant endophytes? New Phytologist 178: 3-7.
- Dostálek J., Frantík T. (2008): Dry grassland biodiversity conservation using low-intensity sheep and goat grazing management: case study in Prague (Czech republic). Biodiversity Conservation, 17: 1439-1454.
- Vohník M., Fendrych M., Albrechtová J., Vosátka M. (2007): Intracellular colonization of Rhododendron and Vaccinium roots by Cenococcum geophilum, Geomyces pannorum and
Meliniomyces variabilis. Folia Microbiologica 52: 407-414.
- Janoušková M., Vosátka M., Rossi L., Lugon-Moulin N. (2007): Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on cadmium accumulation by different tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) types. Applied Soil Ecology 35: 502-510.
- Püschel D., Rydlová J., Vosátka M. (2007): Mycorrhiza influences plant community structure in succession on spoil banks. Basic and Applied Ecology 8: 510-520.
- Sudová R., Jurkiewicz A., Turnau K., Vosátka M. (2007): Persistence of heavy metal tolerance of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices under different cultivation regimes. Symbiosis 43: 71-81.
- Vohník M., Fendrych M., Kolařík M., Gryndler M., Hršelová H., Albrechtová J., Vosátka M. (2007): The ascomycete Meliniomyces variabilis isolated from a sporocarp of Hydnotrya tulasnei (Pezizales) intracellularly colonises roots of ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizal host plants. Czech Mycology 59(2): 215-226.
- Püschel D., Rydlová J., Vosátka M. (2007): The development of arbuscular mycorrhiza in two simulated stages of spoil-bank succession. Applied Soil Ecology 35: 363-369.
- Sudová R., Pavlíková D., Macek T., Vosátka M. (2007): The effect of EDDS chelate and inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices on the efficacy of lead phytoextraction by two tobacco clones. Applied Soil Ecology 35: 163-173.
- Dostálek J., Weber M., Matula S., Frantík T. (2007): Forest start restoration in the agricultural landscape: The effect of different methods of planting establishment. Ecological Engineering, 29: 77-86.
- Gollner M.J., Püschel D., Rydlová J., Vosátka M. (2006): Effect of inoculation with soil yeasts on mycorrhizal symbiosis of maize. Pedobiologia 4/50: 341-345.
- Janoušková M., Pavlíková D., Vosátka M. (2006): Potential contribution of arbuscular mycorrhiza to cadmium immobilisation in soil. Chemosphere 65: 1959-1965.
- Koukol O., Mrnka L., Kulhánková A., Vosátka M. (2006): Competition of Scleroconidioma sphagnicola with fungi decomposing spruce litter needles. Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 469-476.
- Koukol O., Novák F., Hrabal R., Vosátka M. (2006): Saprotrophic fungi transform organic phosphorus from spruce needle litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 3372-3379.
- Novák F., Koukol O., Hrabal R., Bartošová I., Kalčík J. (2006): Determination of P-org species in fungus Xerocomus badius by 31P NMR spectroscopy. Chemické Listy 100: 596-597.
- Oliveira R.S., Castro P.M.L., Dodd J.C., Vosátka M. (2006): Different native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence the coexistence of two plant species in a highly alcaline anthropogenic sediment. Plant and Soil 287: 209-221.
- Vosátka M., Rydlová J., Sudová R., Vohník M. (2006): Mycorrhizal fungi as helping agents in phytoremediation of degraded and contaminated soils. In: Macková M., Dowling D.N., Macek T. (eds.) FOCUS on Biotechnology, Vol. 9A, Phytoremediation and Rhizoremediation, Springer, pp. 237-257.