Publikace od roku 2021
- Abdalla M., Bitterlich M., Jansa J., Püschel D. & Ahmed M. A. 2023: The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in improving plant water status under drought. Journal of Experimental Botany 74: 4808–4824
- Minasiewicz J., Zwolicki A., Figura T., Novotná A., Bocayuva M. F., Jersáková J. & Selosse M-A. 2023: Stoichiometry of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus is closely linked to trophic modes in orchids. BMC Plant Biology 23: 1–11
- Vohník M. & Réblová M. 2023: Fungi in hair roots of Vaccinium spp. (Ericaceae) growing on decomposing wood: colonization patterns, identity, and in vitro symbiotic potential. Mycorrhiza 33: 69–86
- Frantík T. & Trylč L. 2023: Recovery of grassland after clear-cutting of invasive Robinia pseudoacacia – long-term study in Prague (Czech Republic). Journal for Nature Conservation 73: 1–5
- Šantrůčková M., Dostálek J., Bendíková L., Frantík T. & Demková K. 2023: Natural habitats in manor landscape gardens: their distribution and quality. Urban Ecosystems 26: 651–664
- Mrnka L., Frantík T., Schmidt C. S., Baldassare-Švecová E. & Vosátka M. 2023: Intercropping of Tagetes patula with cauliflower and carrot increases yield of cauliflower and tentatively reduces vegetable pests. International Journal of Pest Management 69: 35–45
- Opatrný J. & Frantík T.: Oheň jako pomocník neolitického zemědělce – studie vlivu žďáření. Živa 71: 162-163
- in ‘t Zandt D., Kolaříková Z., Cajthaml T. & Münzbergová Z.: Plant community stability is associated with a decoupling of prokaryote and fungal soil networks. Nature Communications 14: 1-14
- Větrovský T., Kolaříková Z., Lepinay C., Awokunle Hollá S., Davison J., Fleyberková A., Gromyko A., Jelínková B., Kolařík M., Krüger M., Lejsková R., Michalčíková L., Michalová T., Moora M., Moravcová A., Moulíková Š., Odriozola I., Öpik M., Pappová M., Piché-Choquette S., Skřivánek J., Vlk L., Zobel M., Baldrian P. & Kohout P.: GlobalAMFungi: a global database of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal occurrences from high-throughput sequencing metabarcoding studies. New Phytologist 2023: 1-13
- Sůvová Z., Just T. & Vohník M. 2023: Život řeky. In: Cílek V., Just T. & Sůvová Z. (eds.) Kudy plyne Vltava, Dokořán, Praha, 117-140
- Smagghe G., Van Montagu M., Mihailova M., Yovchevska P., Bašić F., Prach K., Baldassarre Svecova B., Helenius J., Peltonen-Sainio P., Öpik M., Niinemets Ü., Takkis K., Delseny M., Karamanos A., Valkó O., Lengyel S., Morgante M., Kadžiuliene Ž., Veen C., Ram Singh B., Tryjanowski Poznan P., Duarte F., Janišová M., Bengtsson J., Boivin P. & Hartley S. 2022: Regenerative agriculture in Europe: A critical analysis of contributions to European Union Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies. EASAC Policy Report, Halle, Brussels 44, 1–70
- Boussageon R., Marro N., Janoušková M., Brulé D., Wipf D. & Courty P. E. 2022: The fine-tuning of mycorrhizal pathway in sorghum depends on both nitrogen-phosphorus availability and the identity of the fungal partner. Plant Cell and Environment 45: 3354-3366. doi:0.1111/pce.14426
- Fernández N., Knoblochová T., Kohout P., Janoušková M., Cajthaml T., Frouz J. & Rydlová J. 2022: Asymmetric interaction between two mycorrhizal fungal guilds and consequences for the establishment of their host plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 1–13
- Marro N., Grilli G., Soteras F., Caccia M., Longo S., Cofré N., Borda V., Burni M., Janoušková M. & Urcelay C. 2022: The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species and taxonomic groups on stressed and unstressed plants: a global meta-analysis. New Phytologist 235: 320–332
- Marro N., Lidoy J., Chico M. A., Rial C., García J., Varela R. M., Macías F. A., Pozo M. J., Janoušková M. & López-Ráez J. A. 2022: Strigolactones: New players in the nitrogen–phosphorus signalling interplay. Plant Cell and Environment 45: 512–527
- Salomon M. J., Watts-Williams S. J., McLaughlin M. J., Bucking H., Singh B. K., Hutter I., Schneider C., Martin F. M., Vosatka M., Guo L., Ezawa T., Saito M., Declerck S., Zhu Y., Bowles T., Abbott L. K., Smith F., A., Cavagnaro T. R. & van der Heijden M. G. A. 2022: Establishing a quality management framework for commercial inoculants containing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. iScience 25: 1–11
- Kolátková V., Smulders F. O. H., Ward E. A. & Vohník M. 2022: Range expansion of Marinomyxa marina, a phytomyxid parasite of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea, to the Caribbean. Aquatic Botany 182: 1–8
- Vohník M. 2022: Are lulworthioid fungi dark septate endophytes of the dominant Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica? Plant Biology 24: 127–133
- Vohník M., Figura T. & Réblová M. 2022: Hyaloscypha gabretae and Hyaloscypha gryndleri spp. nov. (Hyaloscyphaceae, Helotiales), two new mycobionts colonizing conifer, ericaceous and orchid roots. Mycorrhiza 32: 105–122
- Forczek S. T., Bukovská P., Püschel D., Janoušková M., Blažková A. & Jansa J. 2022: Drought rearranges preferential carbon allocation to arbuscular mycorrhizal community members co-inhabiting roots of Medicago truncatula. Environmental and Experimental Botany 199: 1–11
- Dostálek J., Frantík T. & Pavlů L. 2022: Passive restoration of vegetation on gravel/sand bars in the city: a case study in Prague, Czech Republic. Urban Ecosystems 25: 1265–1277
- Kovářová M., Maděra P., Frantík T., Novák J. & Vencl Š. 2022: Effects of knotweed-enriched feed on the blood characteristics and fitness of horses. Agriculture-Basel 12: 1–18
- Buil P. A., Jansa J., Blažková A., Holubík O., Duffková R., Rozmoš M., Püschel D., Kotianová M. & Janoušková M.: Infectivity and symbiotic efficiency of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from high-input arable soils. Plant and Soil 2022: 1-19
- Čertner M., Rydlo J., Dudáš M. & Hroudová Z.: A unique diploid – triploid contact zone provides insights into the evolutionary mechanisms of cytotype coexistence in flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 54: 1-11
- Hofmeister J., Vondrák J., Ellis C., Coppins B., Sanderson N., Malíček J., Palice Z., Acton A., Svoboda S. & Gloor R.: High and balanced contribution of regional biodiversity hotspots to epiphytic and epixylic lichen species diversity in Great Britain. Biological Conservation 266: 1-6
- Buil P. A., Renison D. & Becerra A. G. 2021: Soil infectivity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities in four urban green sites in central Argentina. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 64: 1–10
- Püschel D., Bitterlich M., Rydlová J. & Jansa J. 2021: Drought accentuates the role of mycorrhiza in phosphorus uptake. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 157: 1–11
- Melo C. D., Walker C., Krüger C., Borges P. A. V., Luna S., Mendonça D., Fonseca H. M. A. C. & Machado A. C. 2019: Environmental factors driving arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with endemic woody plant Picconia azorica on native forest of Azores. Annals of Microbiology 69: 1309–1327
- Malar C. M., Kruger M., Kruger C., Wang Y., Stajich J. E., Keller J., Chen E. C. H., Yildiri G., Villeneuve-Laroche M., Roux C., Delaux P. M. & Corradi N. 2021: The genome of Geosiphon pyriformis reveals ancestral traits linked to the emergence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Current Biology 31: 1570–1577
- Silva-Flores P., Arguelles-Moyao A., Aguilar-Paredes A., Calaca, F. J. S., Duchicela, J., Fernandez N., Furtado A. N. M., Guerra-Sierra B., Lovera M., Marin C., Neves M. A., Pezzani F., Rinaldi A. C., Rojas K. & Vasco-Palacios A. M. 2021: Mycorrhizal science outreach: Scope of action and available resources in the face of global change. Plants, People, Planet 3: 506–522
- Blažková A., Jansa J., Püschel D., Vosátka M. & Janoušková M. 2021: Is mycorrhiza functioning influenced by the quantitative composition of the mycorrhizal fungal community? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 157: 1–10
- Sudová R., Rydlová J., Čtvrtlíková M., Kohout P., Oehl F., Voříšková J. & Kolaříková Z. 2021: Symbiosis of isoetid plant species with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under aquatic versus terrestrial conditions. Mycorrhiza 31: 273–288
- Kolaříková Z., Slavíková R., Krüger C., Krüger M. & Kohout P. 2021: PacBio sequencing of Glomeromycota rDNA: a novel amplicon covering all widely used ribosomal barcoding regions and its applicability in taxonomy and ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist 231: 490-499
- Hu S., Hu B., Chen Z., Vosátka M. & Vymazal J. 2021: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi modulate the chromium distribution and bioavailability in semi-aquatic habitats. Chemical Engineering Journal 420: Part 1, 1–11
- Kohout P., Sudová R., Brabcová V., Vosolsobě S., Baldrian P. & Albrechtová J. 2021: Forest microhabitat affects succession of fungal communities on decomposing fine tree roots. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 1–13
- Schmidt C. S., Leclerque A., Pfeiffer T., Goessling J. W., Orlik M., Jamshidi B., Saar K., Sellmann J., Siepe I. & Koch E. 2020: Pathogenicity of Pythium species to maize. European Journal of Plant Pathology 158: 335–347
- Marro N., Caccia M. & López-Ráez J. A. 2021: Are strigolactones a key in plant–parasitic nematodes interactions? An intriguing question. Plant and Soil 462: 591–601
- Borda V., Longo S., Marro N. & Urcelay C. 2021: The global invader Ligustrum lucidum accumulates beneficial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a novel range. Plant Ecology 222: 397–408
- Figura T., Tylová E., Jersáková J., Vohník M. & Ponert J. 2021: Fungal symbionts may modulate nitrate inhibitory effect on orchid seed germination. Mycorrhiza 31: 231–241
- Vohník M. 2021: Bioerosion and fungal colonization of the invasive foraminiferan Amphistegina lobifera in a Mediterranean seagrass meadow. Biogeosciences 18: 2777–2790
- Maděra P., Kovářová M., Frantík T., Filipčík R., Novák J., Vencl Š., Maděrová L., Rozkot M., Kuchařová S., Václavková E., Truněčková J., Volková J., Nývltová Z. & Bartoš M. 2021: Effect of knotweed in diet on physiological changes in pig. Agriculture-Basel 11: 1–22
- Schmidt C. S., Mrnka L, Frantík T., Lovecka P., Fenclová M., Demnerová K. & Vosátka M. 2021: Bacterial and fungal endophyte communities in healthy and diseased oilseed rape and their potential for biocontrol of Sclerotinia and Phoma disease. Scientific Reports 11: 1–17
- Mrnka L., Frantík T., Baldassare-Švecová E., Schmidt C. S., Vosátka M., Knot D., Šolcová O. & Hartl V. 2021: Clone-dependent browsing damage of poplar plantations and the repellent potential of Populus nigra × P. maximowiczii ‘Max-4’. Forest Ecology and Management 483: 1–8
- Kolátková V., Čepička I., Hoffman R. & Vohník M. 2021: Marinomyxa gen. nov. accommodates gall-forming parasites of the tropical to subtropical seagrass genus Halophila and constitutes a novel deep-branching lineage within Phytomyxea (Rhizaria: Endomyxa). Microbial Ecology 81: 673–686
- Ma Y., Vosatka M., Rensing C. & Freitas H.: Editorial: Advanced Microbial Biotechnologies for Sustainable Agriculture. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 1-4
- Fehrer J., Slavíková R., Paštová L., Josefiová J., Mráz P., Chrtek J. & Bertrand Y. J. K.: Molecular evolution and organization of ribosomal DNA in the hawkweed tribe Hieraciinae (Cichorieae, Asteraceae). Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 1-23