Publikace 2011-2015
- Machač J. & Vohník M. (2015) Fascinating view to the fungi microcosmos. Botanika 3: 15-16
Vohník M., Borovec O., Župan I., Vondrášek D., Petrtýl M. & Sudová R. (2015) Anatomically and morphologically unique dark septate endophytic association in the roots of the Mediterranean endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Mycorrhiza 25: 663-372
- Konvalinková T., Püschel D., Janoušková M., Gryndler M. & Jansa J. (2015)
Duration and intensity of shade differentially affects mycorrhizal growth- and phosphorus uptake responses of Medicago truncatulaFrontiers in Plant Science 6: 1-11.
- Sudová R., Sýkorová Z., Rydlová J., Čtvrtlíková M. & Oehl F. (2015) Rhizoglomus melanum, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species associated with submerged plants in freshwater lake Avsjoen in Norway. Mycological Progress 14: 1-8
- Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2015) Dry heathland restoration in the Zlatnice nature reserve (Czech republic): An assessment of the effectiveness of grazing and sod-cutting. Hacquetia 14: 113-122
- Rydlová J., Sýkorová Z., Slavíková R. & Turis P. (2015) The importance of arbuscular mycorrhiza for Cyclamen purpurascens subsp. immaculatum endemic in Slovakia. Mycorrhiza 25: 599-609
- Kohout P., Doubková P., Bahram M., Suda J., Tedersoo L., Voříšková J., Sudová R. (2015)
Niche specialization and community structuring of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a temperate grassland on a local scale. Molecular Ecology 24: 1831-1843.
- Lukešová T., Kohout P., Větrovský T. & Vohník M. (2015) The potential of Dark Septate Endophytes to form root symbioses with ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal middle European forest plants. PLOS ONE 10(4): e0124752
- Courty P. E., Doubková P., Calabrese S., Niemann H., Lehmann M. F., Vosátka M., Selosse M. A. (2015)
Species-dependent partitioning of C and N stable isotopes between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their C3 and C4 hosts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 82: 52-61.
- Oja J., Kohout P., Tedersoo L. et al. (2015) Temporal patterns of orchid mycorrhizal fungi in meadows and forests as revealed by 454 pyrosequencing New Phytologist 205: 1608-1618.
- Janoušková M., Püschel D., Hujslová M., Slavíková R. & Jansa J. (2015)
Quantification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal DNA in roots: how important is material preservation?
Mycorrhiza 25: 205-214.
- Bruzone M. C., Fontenla S. B. & Vohník M. (2015) Is the prominent ericoid mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoscyphus ericae absent in the Southern Hemisphere’s Ericaceae? A case study on the diversity of root mycobionts in Gaultheria spp. from northwest Patagonia, Argentina Mycorrhiza 25: 25-40.
- Krüger M., Teste F. P., Laliberte E., Lambers H., Coghlan M., Zemunik G. & Bunce M. (2015) The rise and fall of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity during ecosystem retrogression. Molecular Ecology 24: 4912-4930
- Vosátka M., Látr A. & Albrechtová J. (2015) Bioadditives for vegetables growth optimization in protected cultivation. Acta Horticulturae – Proceedings 1107: 149-155
- Sura-de Jong M., Reynolds R. J. B., Richterova K., Musilova L., Staicu L. C., Chocholata I., Cappa J. J., Taghavi S., van der Lelie D., Frantik T., Dolinova I., Strejcek M., Cochran A. T., Lovecka P. & Pilon-Smits E. A. H. (2015) Selenium hyperaccumulators harbor a diverse endophytic bacterial community characterized by high selenium resistance and plant growth promoting properties. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 1-17
- Ma J., Janoušková M., Li Y., Yu X., Yan Y., Zou Z. & He C. (2015) Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on cucumber growth and phosphorus uptake under cold stress. Functional Plant Biology 42: 1158-1167
- Zárubová P., Hejcman M., Vondráčková S., Mrnka L., Száková J. & Tlustoš P. (2015) Distribution of P, K, Ca, Mg, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in wood and bark age classes of willows and poplars used for phytoextraction on soils contaminated by risk elements. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 18801-18813
- Kohout P., Sudová R., Janoušková M., Čtvrtlíková M., Hejda M., Pánková H., Slavíková R., Štajerová K., Vosátka M. & Sýkorová Z. (2014)
Comparison of commonly used primer sets for evaluating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities: Is there a universal solution?
Soil Biology & Biochemistry 68: 482-493.
- Doubková P. & Sudová R. (2014)
Nickel tolerance of serpentine and non-serpentine Knautia arvensis plants as affected by arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
Mycorrhiza 24: 209-217.
- Püschel D., Rydlová J. & Vosátka M. (2014)
Can mycorrhizal inoculation stimulate the growth and flowering of peat-grown ornamental plants under standard or reduced watering?
Applied Soil Ecology 80: 93-99.
- Sudová R., Pánková H., Rydlová J., Münzbergová Z. & Suda J. (2014)
Intraspecific ploidy variation: a hidden, minor player in plant-soil-mycorrhizal fungi interactions
American Journal of Botany 101: 26-33.
- Sýkorová Z. (2014)
The Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza in the Growth and Development of Plants in the Family Gentianaceae. In: Rybczyński J. J., Davey M. R., Mikuła A. (Eds.) The Gentianaceae - Volume 1: Characterization and Ecology, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Pánková H., Münzbergová Z., Rydlová J., Vosátka M. (2014)
Co-adaptation of plants and communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to their soil conditions
Folia Geobotanica 49: 521-540.
- Nestby R., Krogstad T., Joner E. & Vohník M. (2014)
The effect of NP fertilization on European blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) development on cultivated land in mid-Norway
Journal of Berry Research 4: 147-157.
- Vazačová K. & Münzbergová Z. (2014)
Dispersal ability of island endemic plants: What can we learn using multiple dispersal traits?
Flora 209: 530-539.
- Vazačová K. & Münzbergová Z. (2014)
The Importance of Species Traits for Species Distribution on Oceanic Islands
PLoS ONE 9: e101046.
- Businský R., Frantík T. & Vít P. (2014)
Morphological evaluation of the Pinus kesiya complex (Pinaceae)
Plant Systematics and Evolution 300: 273-285.
- Dostálek J., Weber M. & Frantík T. (2014)
Establishing windbreaks: how rapidly do the smaller tree transplants reach the height of the larger ones?
Journal of Forest Science (Prague) 60: 12-17.
- Tedersoo L., Bahram M., Polme S. et al. (2014)
Global diversity and geography of soil fungi
Science 346: 1256688.
- Koljalg U., Nilsson R.H., Abarenkov A., Tedersoo T., Taylor A.F.S., Bahram M., Bates S.T., Bruns T.D., Bengtsson-Palme J., Callaghan T.M., Douglas B., Drenkhan T., Eberhardt U., Duenas M., Grebenc T., Griffith G.W., Hartmann M., Kirk P.M., Kohout P., Larsson E., Lindahl B.D., Lücking R., Martín M.P., Matheny P.B., Nguyen N.H., Niskanen T., Oja J., Peay K.G., Peintner U., Peterson M., Poldmaa K., Saag L., Saar I., Schüßler A., Senés C., Smith M.E., Suija A., Taylor L., Telleria M.T., Weiß M. and Larsson K.H. (2013)
Towards a unified paradigm for sequence-based identification of Fungi. Molecular Ecology 22: 271-277.
- Kohout P., Těšitelová T., Roy M., Vohník M. & Jersáková J. (2013)
A diverse fungal community associated with Pseudorchis albida (Orchidaceae) roots
Fungal Ecology 6: 50-64.
- Doubková P., Kohout P. & Sudová R. (2013)
Soil nutritional status, not inoculum identity, primarily determines the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of Knautia arvensis plants
Mycorrhiza 23: 561-572.
- Vazačová K. & Münzbergová Z. (2013)
Simulation of seed digestion by birds: How does it reflect the real passage through a pigeon's gut?
Folia Geobotanica 48: 257-269.
- Frantík T., Kovářová M., Koblihová H., Bartůňková K., Nývltová Z. & Vosátka M. (2013)
Production of medically valuable stilbenes and emodin in knotweed
Industrial Crops and Products 50: 237-243.
- Vohník M., Mrnka L., Lukešová T., Bruzone M. C., Kohout P. & Fehrer J. (2013)
The cultivable endophytic community of Norway spruce ectomycorrhizas from microhabitats lacking ericaceous hosts is dominated by ericoid mycorrhizal Meliniomyces variabilis
Fungal Ecology 6: 281-292.
- Bahram M., Koljalg U., Kohout P., Mirshahvaladi S. & Tedersoo L. (2013)
Ectomycorrhizal fungi of exotic pine plantations in relation to native host trees in Iran: evidence of host range expansion by local symbionts to distantly related host taxa
Mycorrhiza 23: 11-19.
- Janoušková M., Krak K., Wagg C., Štorchová H., Caklová P. & Vosátka M. (2013)
Effects of inoculum additions in the presence of a preestablished arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community
Applied and Enviromental Microbiology 79: 6507-6515.
- Doubková P., Vlasáková E. & Sudová R. (2013)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis alleviates drought stress imposed on Knautia arvensis plants in serpentine soil
Plant and Soil 370: 149-161.
- Trakal L., Neuberg M., Száková J., Vohník M., Tejnecký V., Drábek O. & Tlustoš P. (2013)
Phytoextraction and assisted phytoextraction of metals from agriculture used soil
Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 44: 1862-1872.
- Rydlová J., Püschel D., Janoušková M. & Vosátka M. (2013)
Interactions of Plants with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi during Ecosystem Development at Post Mining Sites in Most Coal Basin (Czech Republic). In: Frouz J. (ed.) Soil Biota and Ecosystem Development in Post Mining Sites, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Dostálek T., Pánková H., Münzbergová Z. & Rydlová J. (2013)
The effect of AMF suppression on plant species composition in a nutrient-poor dry grassland
PLoS ONE 8: e80535.
- Hernádi I., Sasvári Z., Albrechtová J., Vosátka M. & Posta K. (2012)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculant increases yield of spice pepper and affects the indigenous fungal community in the field
Hortscience 47: 603-606.
- Vohník M., Sadowsky J. J., Kohout P., Lhotáková Z., Nestby R. & Kolařík M. (2012)
Novel root-fungus symbiosis in Ericaceae: sheathed ericoid mycorrhiza formed by a hitherto undescribed basidiomycete with affinities to Trechisporales
PLoS ONE 7: e39524.
- Kohout P., Sýkorová Z., Čtvrtlíková M., Rydlová J., Suda J., Vohník M. & Sudová R. (2012)
Surprising spectra of root-associated fungi in submerged aquatic plants
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 80: 216-235.
- Doubková P., Suda J. & Sudová R. (2012)
The symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi contributes to plant tolerance to serpentine edaphic stress
Soil Biology & Biochemistry 44: 56-64.
- Sýkorová Z., Börstler B., Zvolenská S., Fehrer J., Gryndler M., Vosátka M. & Redecker D. (2012)
Long-term tracing of Rhizophagus irregularis isolate BEG140 inoculated on Phalaris arundinacea in a coal mine spoil bank, using mitochondrial large subunit rDNA markers
Mycorrhiza 22: 69-80.
- Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2012)
The impact of different grazing periods in dry grasslands on the expansive grass Arrhenatherum elatius L. and on woody species
Enviromental Management 49: 855-861.
- Vosátka M., Látr A., Gianinazzi S. & Albrechtová J. (2012)
Development of arbuscular mycorrhizal biotechnology and industry: current achievements and bottlenecks
Symbiosis 58: 29-37.
- Mrnka L., Kuchár M., Cieslarová Z., Matějka P., Száková J., Tlustoš P. & Vosátka M. (2012)
Effects of endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi on physiological parameters and heavy metals accumulation of two species from the family Salicaceae
Water Air and Soil Pollution 223: 399-410.
- Vohník M., Sadowsky J. J., Lukešová T., Albrechtová J. & Vosátka M. (2012)
Inoculation with a ligninolytic basidiomycete, but not root symbiotic ascomycetes, positively affects growth of highbush blueberry (Ericaceae) grown in a pine litter substrate
Plant and Soil 355: 341-352.
- Albrechtová J., Látr A., Nedorost L., Pokluda R., Posta K. & Vosátka M. (2012)
Dual inoculation with mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi applicable in sustainable cultivation improves the yield and nutritive value of onion
The Scientific World Journal 2012: 374091.
- Krak K., Janoušková M., Caklová P., Vosátka M. & Štorchová H. (2012)
Intraradical dynamics of two coexisting isolates of the arbuscular mycorrhizal gungus Glomus intraradices sensu lato as estimated by Real-time PCR of mitochondrial DNA
Applied and Enviromental Microbiology 78: 3630-3637.
- Vohník M., Burdíková Z. & Wilkinson D. M. (2012)
Testate amoebae communities in the rhizosphere of Rhododendron ponticum (Ericaceae) in an evergreen broadleaf forest in Southern Spain
Acta Protozoologica 51: 259-269.
- Kovářová M., Frantík T., Koblihová H., Bartůňková K., Nývltová Z., Vosátka M. (2011)
Effect of clone selection, nitrogen supply, leaf damage and mycorrhizal fungi on stilbene and emodin production in knotweed
BMC Plant Biology 11: 98.
- Vohník M., Burdíková Z., Vyhnal A., Koukol O. (2011)
Interactions between testate Amoebae and saprotrophic microfungi in a Scots pine litter microcosm.
Microbial Ecology 61: 660-668.
- Sudová R., Rydlová J., Čtvrtlíková M., Havránek P., Adamec L. (2011)
The incidence of arbuscular mycorrhiza in two submerged Isoëtes species.
Aquatic Botany 94: 183-187.
- Rydlová J., Püschel D., Sudová R., Gryndler M., Mikanová O., Vosátka M. (2011)
Interaction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia: Effects on flax yield in spoil-bank clay.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174: 128-134.
- Weiß M., Sýkorová Z., Garnica S., Riess K., Martos F., Krause C., Oberwinkler F., Bauer R., Redecker D. (2011)
Sebacinales everywhere: Previously overlooked ubiquitous fungal endophytes.
PLoS ONE 6: e16793.
- Vlasáková B., Gustafsson M. H. G. (2011)
Clusia blattophila (Clusiaceae), a new species from an inselberg in French Guiana.
Nordic Journal of Botany 29: 178-181.
- Vlasáková B., Jarau S. (2011
Dioecious Clusia nemorosa achieves pollination by combining specialized and generalized floral rewards.
Plant Ecology 212: 1327-1337.
- Kohout P., Sýkorová Z., Bahram M., Hadincová V., Albrechtová J., Tedersoo L., Vohník M. (2011
Ericaceous dwarf shrubs affect ectomycorrhizal fungal community of the invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in a pot experiment.
Mycorrhiza 21: 403-412.
- Janoušková M., Rydlová J., Püschel D., Száková J., Vosátka J. (2011
Extraradical mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi radiating from large plants depresses the growth of nearby seedlings in a nutrient deficient substrate
Mycorrhiza 21: 641-650.
- Doubková P., Suda J., Sudová R. (2011
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on serpentine soils: the effect of native fungal communities on different Knautia arvensis ecotypes.
Plant and Soil 345: 325-338.
- Oehl F., Sýkorová Z., Błaszkowski J., Sánchez-Castro I., Coyne D., Tchabi A., Lawouin L., Hountondji F., Alves da Silva G. (2011)
Acaulospora sieverdingii, an ecologically diverse new fungus in the Glomeromycota, described from lowland temperate Europe and tropical West Africa.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality – Angewandte Botanik 84: 47-53.
- Vohník M., Albrechtová J. (2011)
The co-occurrence and morphological continuum between ericoid mycorrhiza and dark septate endophytes in roots of six European Rhododendron species.
Folia Geobotanica 46: 373-386.
- Pánková H., Münzbergová Z., Rydlová J., Vosátka M. (2011)
The response of Aster amellus (Asteraceae) to mycorrhiza depends on the origins of both the soil and the fungi.
American Journal of Botany 98: 850-858.
- Püschel D., Rydlová J., Sudová R., Gryndler M., Vosátka M. (2011)
The potential of mycorrhizal inoculation and organic amendment to increase yields of Galega orientalis and Helianthus tuberosus in a spoil-bank substrate.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174: 664-672
- Dostálek J., Frantík T., Lukášová M. (2011)
Genetic differences within natural and planted stands of Quercus petraea.
Central European Journal of Biology 6: 597-605.
- Dostálek J., Frantík T. (2011)
Response of dry grassland vegetation to fluctuations in weather conditions: A 9-year case study in Prague (Czech Republic).
Biologia 66: 837-847.
- Tedersoo L., Abarenkov K., Nilsson R. H., Schüssler A., Grelet G-A., Kohout P., Oja J., Bonito G. M., Veldre V., Jairus T., Ryberg M., Larsson K-H. & Koljalg U. (2011
Tidying up international nucleotide sequence databases: Ecological, geographical and sequence quality annotation of ITS sequences of mycorrhizal fungi
PLoS ONE 6: e24940.