Publikace 2016-2020
- Rocha I., Ma Y., Souza-Alonso P., Vosátka M., Freitas H. & Oliveira R. S. 2019: Seed Coating: A tool for delivering beneficial microbes to agricultural crops. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1–16
- Rocha I., Ma Y., Vosátka M., Freitas H. & Oliveira R. S. 2019: Growth and nutrition of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) under water deficit as influenced by microbial inoculation via seed coating. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 205: 447–459
- Vohník M., Machač J. & Heřmanová Z. 2020: Mrtvé písky Středozemního moře aneb bioeroze schránek invazních dírkovců. Botanika 8: 16–18
- Nouri E., Matinizadeh M., Moshki A., Zolfaghari A., Rajaei S. & Janoušková M. 2020: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi benefit drought-stressed Salsola laricina. Plant Ecology 221: 683–694
- Cofré N., Becerra A. G., Marro N., Domínguez L. & Urcelay C. 2020: Soybean growth and foliar phosphorus concentration mediated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from soils under different no-till cropping systems. Rhizosphere 16: 1–7
- Wijayawardene N. N., Hyde K. D., Al-Ani L. K. T., Tedersoo L., Haelewaters D., Rajeshkumar K. C., Zhao R. L., Aptroot A., Leontyev D. V., Saxena R. K., Tokarev Y. S., Dai D. Q., Letcher P. M., Stephenson S. L., Ertz D., Lumbsch H. T., Kukwa M., Issi I. V., Madrid H., Phillips A. J. L., Selbmann L., Pfliegler W. P., Horvath E., Bensch K., Kirk P. M., Kolaříková Z., Raja H. A., Radek R., Papp V., Dima B., Ma J., Malosso E., Takamatsu S., Rambold G., Gannibal P. B., Triebel D., Gautam A. K., Avasthi S., Suetrong S., Timdal E., Fryar S. C., Delgado G., Réblová M. & al. 2020: Outline of fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 11: 1060–1456
- Vohník M. 2020: Ericoid mycorrhizal symbiosis: theoretical background and methods for its comprehensive investigation. Mycorrhiza 30: 671–695
- Sudová R., Kohout P., Rydlová J., Čtvrtlíková M., Suda J., Voříšková J. & Kolaříková Z. 2020: Diverse fungal communities associated with the roots of isoetid plants are structured by host plant identity. Fungal Ecology 45: 1–15
- Mrnka L., Koukol O., Hrabal R. & Novák F. 2020: Interactions of saprotrophic and root symbiotic fungi control the transformation of humic substances and phosphorus in Norway spruce needle litter. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 149: 1–11
- Vlk L., Tedersoo L., Antl T., Větrovský T., Abarenkov K., Pergl J., Albrechtová J., Vosátka M., Baldrian P., Pyšek P. & Kohout P. 2020: Alien ectomycorrhizal plants differ in their ability to interact with co-introduced and native ectomycorrhizal fungi in novel sites. ISME Journal 14: 2336–2346
- Vlk L., Tedersoo L., Antl T., Větrovský T., Abarenkov K., Pergl J., Albrechtová J., Vosátka M., Baldrian P., Pyšek P. & Kohout P. 2020: Early successional ectomycorrhizal fungi are more likely to naturalize outside their native range than other ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist 227: 1289–1293
- Vosátka M., Rocha I., Ma Y., Švecová E. B. & Oliveira R. 2020: Microbial seed coating as a tool to enhance crop growth and stress tolerance. Acta Horticulturae 1273: 401–407
- Hoang, L., Beneš, F., Fenclová, M., Kronusová, O., Švarcová, V., Řehořová, K., Baldassarre Švecová, E., Vosátka, M., Hajšlová, J., Kaštánek, P., Viktorová J. & Ruml, T. 2020: Phytochemical composition and in vitro biological activity of Iris spp. (Iridaceae): A new source of bioactive constituents for the inhibition of oral bacterial biofilms. Antibiotics-Basel 9: 1–20
- Bhave A., Schulzova´ V., Mrnka L. & Hajsˇlova´ J. 2020: Influence of harvest date and postharvest treatment on carotenoid and flavonoid composition in french marigold flowers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 68: 7880–7889
- Schmidt C. S., Mrnka L., Frantík T., Bárnet M., Vosátka M., & Baldassarre Švecová E. 2020: Impact of protein hydrolysate biostimulants on growth of barley and wheat and their interaction with symbionts and pathogens. Agricultural and Food Science 29: 177–193
- Hu S., Chen Z., Vosátka M. & Vymazal J. 2020: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization and physiological functions toward wetland plants under different water regimes. Science of the Total Environment 716: 1–9
- Hu S., Hu B., Chen Z., Vosátka M. & Vymazal J. 2020: Antioxidant response in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculated wetland plant under Cr stress. Environmental Research 191: 1-8
- Pauwels R., Jansa J., Püschel D., Müller A., Graefe J, Kolb S. & Bitterlich M. 2020: Root growth and presence of Rhizophagus irregularis distinctly alter substrate hydraulic properties in a model system with Medicago truncatula. Plant and Soil 457: 131–151
- Janoušková M., Caklová P., 2020: Molecular quantification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal root colonization. In: Ferrol N. & Lanfranco L (eds.) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. Methods and Protocols. Springer Science + Business Media, New York. 73-91
- Zagorski D., Hartmann M., Bertrand Y. J. K., Paštová L., Slavíková R., Josefiová J. & Fehrer J.: Characterization and dynamics of repeatomes in closely related species of Hieracium (Asteraceae) and their synthetic and apomictic hybrids. Frontiers in Plant Science 20: 1-21
- Püschel D., Bitterlich M., Rydlová J. & Jansa J.: Facilitation of plant water uptake by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus: a Gordian knot of roots and hyphae. Mycorrhiza 30: 299-313
- Mráz P., Filipas L., Bărbos M. I., Kadlecová J., Paštová L., Belyayev A. & Fehrer J.: An unexpected new diploid Hieracium from Europe: Integrative taxonomic approach with a phylogeny of diploid Hieracium taxa. Taxon 68: 1258-1277
- Heřmanová Z., Bruthansová J., Holcová K., Mikuláš R., Kočová Veselská M., Kočí T., Dudák J. & Vohník M.: Benefits and limits of x-ray micro-computed tomography for visualization of colonization and bioerosion of shelled organisms. Palaeontologia Electronica 23: 1-15
- Šantrůčková M., Dostálek J. & Frantík T.: Vegetation succession in extensive abandoned tall-trunk cherry orchards: a case study on Kaňk Mountain near Kutná Hora (Czech Republic). Hacquetia 19: 127-136
- Rydlová J. & Püschel D.: Arbuscular mycorrhiza, but not hydrogel, alleviates drought stress of ornamental plants in peat-based substrate. Applied Soil Ecology 146: 1-8
- Kolátková V., Čepička I., Gargiulo G. M. & Vohník M.: Enigmatic phytomyxid parasite of the alien seagrass Halophila stipulacea: new insights into its ecology, phylogeny, and distribution in the Mediterranean Sea. Microbial Ecology 79: 631-643
- Wei L., Ding J., Yan W., Vosátka M., Lu C., Li Y., Cai B., Xu J. & Liu C. (2019) The role of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi in the decomposition of fresh residue and soil organic carbon: A mini-review. Soil Science Society of America Journal 83: 511-517
- Ma Y., Vosátka M. & Freitas H. (2019) Editorial: Beneficial Microbes Alleviate Climatic Stresses in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1-2
- Rocha I., Duarte I., Ma Y., Souza-Alonso P., Látr A., Vosátka M., Freitas H. & Oliveira R. S. (2019) Seed coating with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for improved field production of chickpea. Agronomy-Basel 9: 1-11
- Frouz J., Moradi J., Püschel D. & Rydlová J. (2019) Earthworms affect growth and competition between ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal plants. Ecosphere 10: 1-12
- Püschel D., Kolaříková Z., Šmilauer P. & Rydlová J. (2019) Survival and long-term infectivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in peatbased substrates stored under different temperature regimes. Applied Soil Ecology 140: 98-107
- Duffková R., Fučík P., Jurkovská L. & Janoušková M. (2019) Experimental evaluation of the potential of arbuscular mycorrhiza to modify nutrient leaching in three arable soils located on one slope. Applied Soil Ecology 143: 116-125
- Ma J., Janoušková M., Ye L., Bai L. Q., Dong R. R., Yan Y., Yu X. C., Zou Z. R., Li Y. S. & He C. X. (2019) Role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in alleviating the effect of cold on the photosynthesis of cucumber seedlings. Photosynthetica 57: 86-95
- Voříšková A., Jansa J., Püschel D., Vosátka M., Šmilauer P. & Janoušková M. (2019) Abiotic contexts consistently influence mycorrhiza functioning independently of the composition of synthetic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Mycorrhiza 29: 127-139
- Vohník M., Borovec O., Kolaříková Z., Sudová R. & Réblová M. (2019) Extensive sampling and high-throughput sequencing reveal Posidoniomyces atricolor gen. et sp. nov. (Aigialaceae, Pleosporales) as the dominant root mycobiont of the dominant Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica. MycoKeys 55: 59-86
- Kolátková V. & Vohník M. (2019) Adaptive traits in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: Root hairs with spiral cell walls, not spiral root hairs. Aquatic Botany 155: 52-53
- Jansa J., Forczek S. T., Rozmoš M., Püschel D., Bukovská P. & Hršelová H. (2019) Arbuscular mycorrhiza and soil organic nitrogen: network of players and interactions. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 6: 1-10
- Jehlík V., Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2019) Alien plants in Central European river ports. Neobiota 45: 93-115
- Šantrůčková M., Demková K., Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2019) The potential of manor gardens for natural habitats conservation. Journal of Landscape Ecology 12: 59-72
- Rocha I., Ma Y., Carvalho M. F., Magalhaes C., Janoušková M., Vosátka M., Freitas H. & Oliveira R. S. (2019) Seed coating with inocula of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for nutritional enhancement of maize under different fertilisation regimes. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65: 31-43
- Jílková V., Vohník M., Mudrák O., Šimáčková H. & Frouz J. (2019) No difference in ectomycorrhizal morphotype composition between abandoned and inhabited nests of wood ants (Formica polyctena) in a central European spruce forest. Geoderma 334: 55-62
- Vohník M. (2019) What´s going on under blueberry bush - ericoid mycorrhiza in questions and answers. Botanika 2: 20-22
- Baldassarre Švecová E., Mrnka L., Schmidt C. S., Frantík T., Bárnet M. & Vosátka M. (2019) Feather protein hydrolyzate as plant biostimulant. In: Šolcová O., Hanika J., Topka P. (eds.) Biorefining in the 21st Century, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v. v. i., Prague: 79-80
- Mrnka L., Bárnet M., Lovecká P., Šolcová O., Stránská M. & Vosátka M. (2019) Plant deep utilization by biorefining. In: Šolcová O., Hanika J., Topka P. (eds.) Biorefining in the 21st Century, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v. v. i., Prague: 52
- Baldassarre Švecová E., Mrnka L., Schmidt C. S., Frantík T., Bárnet M. & Vosátka M. (2019) Cultivation of perspective crop plants for biorefining. In: Šolcová O., Hanika J., Topka P. (eds.) Biorefining in the 21st Century, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v. v. i., Prague: 53-55
- Kohout P., Charvátová M., Štursová M., Mašínová T., Tomšovský M. & Baldrian P. (2018) Clearcutting alters decomposition processes and initiates complex restructuring of fungal communities in soil and tree roots. ISME Journal 12: 692-703
- Wu S. L., Vosátka M., Vogel-Mikus K., Kavcic A., Keleme M., Sepec L., Pelicon P., Skála R., Powter A. R. V., Teodoro M., Michálková Z. & Komárek M. (2018) Nano zero-valent iron mediated metal(loid) uptake and translocation by arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 7640-7651
- Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2018) Dry heathland restoration in Prague: An assessment of the effectiveness of grazing and sod-cutting. In: Jongepierová I., Pešout P. & Prach K. (eds.) Ekologická obnova v České republice II, AOPK ČR, Praha: 111-114
- Janoušková M., Kohout P., Moradi J., Doubková P., Frouz J., Vosolsobě S. & Rydlová J. (2018) Microarthropods influence the composition of rhizospheric fungal communities by stimulating specific taxa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 122: 120-130
- Krüger M. & Krüger C. (2018) Geosiphon pyriformis as an example of mycorrhizal symbiosis with cyanobacteria. Botanika 6: 17
- Dostálek J., Frantík T., Pospíšková M. & Křížová M. (2018) Population genetic structure and delineation of conservation units in European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) across its native range. Flora 246-247: 26-32
- Borovec O. & Vohník M. (2018) Ontogenetic transition from specialized root hairs to specific root-fungus symbiosis in the dominant Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Scientific Reports 8: 1-11
- Schmidt C. S., Mrnka L., Frantík T., Lovecká P. & Vosátka M. (2018) Plant growth promotion of Miscanthus × giganteus by endophytic bacteria and fungi on non-polluted and polluted soils. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 34: 1-20
- Polme S., Bahram M., Jacquemyn H., Kennedy P., Kohout P., Moora M., Oja J., Öpik M., Pecoraro L. & Tedersoo L. (2018) Host preference and network properties in biotrophic plant-fungal associations. New Phytologist 217: 1230-1239
- Oliveira R. S., Carvalho P., Marques G., Ferreira L., Nunes M., Rocha I., Ma Y., Carvalho M. F., Vosátka M. & Freitas H. (2018) Increased protein content of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria under water deficit conditions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97: 4379-4385
- Kolařík M. & Vohník M. (2018) When the ribosomal DNA does not tell the truth: The case of the taxonomic position of Kurtia argillacea, an ericoid mycorrhizal fungus residing among Hymenochaetales. Fungal Biology 122: 1-18
- Drumonde Melo C., Luna S., Krüger C., Walker C., Mendonça D., Fonseca H. M. A. C., Jaizme-Vega M. & Câmara Machado A. (2018) Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under Picconia azorica in native forests of Azores. Symbiosis 74: 43-54
- Ma J., Janoušková M., Yan Y., Yu X., Zou Z., Li Y. & He C. (2018) The photoprotective role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in cucumber seedlings under cold stress. In: Du Y., Doi M. & Son J. E. (eds) Acta Horticulturae, book series, International Societas Horticultural Science, Leuven: 305-318
- Rempelos L., Almuayrifi A. M., Baranski M., Tetard-Jones C., Eyre M., Shotton P., Cakmak I., Ozturk L., Cooper J., Volakakis N., Schmidt C., Sufar E., Wang J., Wilkinson A., Rosa E. A. S., Zhao B., Rose T. J., Leifert C. & Bilsborrow P. (2018) Effects of agronomic management and climate on leaf phenolic profiles, disease severity, and grain yield in organic and conventional wheat production systems. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66: 10369-10379
- Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2018) The impact of low-intensity sheep and goat grazing on dry grassland vegetation: 16 Years of monitoring in Prague. Příroda 39: 151-166
- Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2018) Changes in species composition of grassland and wetland vegetation after restoration of the Čihadla dry polder. Natura Pragensis 24: 61-80
- Lorenc F., Pešková V., Modlinger R., Mrnka L., Tomášková I., Šenfeld P. & Turčáni M. (2018) Fine roots of Picea abies compensate for drought stress in the rainfall reduction experiment. Dendrobiology 80: 91-100
- Paymaneh Z., Gryndler M., Konvalinková T., Benada O., Borovička J., Bukovská P., Püschel D., Řezáčová V., Sarcheshmehpour M. & Jansa J. (2018) Soil matrix determines the outcome of interaction between mycorrhizal symbiosis and biochar for Andropogon gerardii growth and nutrition. Frontiers in MIcrobiology 9: 1-16
- Sudová R., Kohout P., Kolaříková Z., Rydlová J., Voříšková J., Suda J., Španiel S., Müller-Schärer H. & Mráz P. (2018) Sympatric diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe s.l. do not differ in arbuscular mycorrhizal communities and mycorrhizal growth response. American Journal of Botany 105: 1995-2007
- Janoušková M. (2017) Can arbuscular mycorrhiza help in agricultural production? Živa 65:237-240
- Knoblochová T., Kohout P., Püschel D., Doubková P., Frouz J., Cajthaml T., Kukla J., Vosátka M. & Rydlová J. (2017) Asymmetric response of root-associated fungal communities of an arbuscular mycorrhizal grass and an ectomycorrhizal tree to their coexistence in primary succession. Mycorrhiza 27: 775-789
- Oja J., Vahtra J., Bahram M., Kohout P., Kull T., Rannap R., Koljalg U. & Tedersoo L. (2017) Local-scale spatial structure and community composition of orchid mycorrhizal fungi in semi-natural grasslands. Mycorrhiza 27: 355-367
- Kohout P. & Tedersoo L. (2017) Effect of soil moisture on root-associated fungal communities of Erica dominans in Drakensberg mountains in South Africa. Mycorrhiza 27: 397-406
- Kohout P. (2017) Biogeography of Ericoid Mycorrhiza. In: Tedersoo L. (ed.) Biogeography of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Ecological Studies 230, Springer, Berlin:179-193
- Püschel D., Janoušková M., Voříšková A., Gryndlerová H., Vosátka M. & Jansa J. (2017) Arbuscular mycorrhiza stimulates biological nitrogen fixation in two Medicago spp. through omproved phosphorus acquisition. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1-12
- Voříšková A., Jansa J., Püschel D., Krüger M., Cajthaml T., Vosátka M. & Janoušková M. (2017) Real-time PCR quantification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: does the use of nuclear or mitochondrial markers make a difference? Mycorrhiza 27: 577-585
- Janoušková M., Krak K., Vosátka M., Püschel D. & Štorchová H. (2017) Inoculation effects on root-colonizing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities spread beyond directly inoculated plants. PLOS ONE 12: 1-21
- Mnasri M., Janoušková M., Rydlová J., Abdelly C. & Ghnaya T. (2017) Comparison of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal effects on the heavy metal uptake of a host and a non-host plant species in contact with extraradical mycelial network. Chemosphere 171: 476-484
- Kolaříková Z., Kohout P., Krüger C., Janoušková M., Mrnka L. & Rydlová J. (2017) Root-associated fungal communities along a primary succession on a mine spoil: Distinct ecological guilds assemble differently. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 113: 143-152
- Kolařík M., Hulcr J., Tisserat N., De Beer W., Kostovčík M., Kolaříková Z., Seybold S. J. & Rizzo D. M. (2017) Geosmithia associated with bark beetles and woodborers in the western USA: taxonomic diversity and vector specificity. Mycologia 109: 185-199
- Krüger C., Kohout P., Janoušková M., Püschel D., Frouz J. & Rydlová J. (2017) Plant communities rather than soil properties structure arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities along primary succession on a mine spoil. Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 1-13
- Jílková V., Vohník M., Dauber J., Marten A., Šimáčková H. & Frouz J. (2017) Low root biomass and occurrence of ectomycorrhizal exploration types in inhabited wood ant (Formica polyctena) nests in a temperate spruce forest. European Journal of Soil Biology 79: 57-62
- Drumonde Melo C., Luna S., Krüger C., Walker C., Mendonça D., Fonseca H. M. A. C., Jaizme-Vega M., da Camara Machado A. (2017) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition associated with Juniperus brevifolia in native Azorean forest. Acta Oecologica 79: 48-61
- Šantrůčková M., Demková K., Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2017) anor gardens: Harbors of local natural habitats? Biological Conservation 205: 16-22
- Švecová E., Colla G. & Crino P. (2017) Antifungal activity of Boerhavia diffusa L. extract against Phytophthora spp. in tomato and pepper. European Journal of Plant Pathology 148: 27-34
- Bruzone C. M., Fehrer J., Fontenla S. B. & Vohník M. (2017) First record of Rhizoscyphus ericae in Southern Hemisphere´s Ericaceae. Mycorrhiza 27: 147-163
- Slavíková R., Püschel D., Janoušková M., Hujslová M., Konvalinková T., Gryndlerová H., Gryndler M., Weiser M. & Jansa J. (2017) Monitoring CO2 emissions to gain a dynamic view of carbon allocation to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza 27: 35-51
- Kohout P., Bahram M., Polme S. & Tedersoo L. (2017) Elevation, space and host plant species structure Ericaceae root-associated fungal communities in Papua New Guinea. Fungal Ecology 30: 112-121
- Neuwirthová E., Lhotákova Z. & Albrechtová J. (2017) The Effect of leaf stacking on leaf reflectance and vegetation indices measured by contact probe during the season. Sensors 17: 1-23
- Schmidt C. S., Lovecká P., Mrnka L., Vychodilová A., Strejček M., Fenclová M. & Demnerová K. (2017) Distinct communities of poplar endophytes on an unpolluted and a risk elements-polluted site and their plant growth promoting potential in vitro. Microbial Ecology 75: 955-969
- Schmidt C. S., Mrnka L., Frantík T., Motyka V., Dobrev P. I. & Vosátka M. (2017) Combined effects of fungal inoculants and the cytokinin-like growth regulator thidiazuron on growth, phytohormone contents and endophytic root fungi in Miscanthus × giganteus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 120: 120-131
- Harantová L., Mudrák O., Kohout P., Elhottová D., Frouz J. & Baldrian P. (2017) Development of microbial community during primary succession in areas degraded by mining activities. Land Degradation and Development 28: 2574-2584
- Vohník M., Borovec O., Özbek E. Ö. & Aslan E. S. O. (2017) Rare phytomyxid infection on the alien seagrass Halophila stipulacea in the southeast Aegean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science 18: 433-442
- Vohník M., Borovec O., Župan I., Kolařík M. & Sudová R. (2017) Fungal root symbionts of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the central Adriatic Sea revealed by microscopy, culturing and 454-pyrosequencing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 583: 107-120
- Bhave A., Schulzová V., Chmelařová H., Mrnka L. & Hajšlová J. (2017) Assessment of rosehips based on the content of their biologically active compounds. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 25: 681-690
- Oliviera R. S., Carvalho P., Marques G., Ferreira L., Pereira S., Nunes M., Rocha I., Ma Y., Carvalho M. F., Vosátka M. & Freitas H. (2017) Improved grain yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) under water deficit after inoculation with Bradyrhizobium elkanii and Rhizophagus irregularis. Crop & Pasture Science 68: 1052-1059
- Polme S., Opik M., Mora M., Zobel M., Kohout P., Oja J., Koljalg U. & Tedersoo L. (2016) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associating with roots of Alnus and Rubus in Europe and the Middle East. Fungal Ecology 24: 27-34
- Doubková P. & Sudová R. (2016) Limited impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on clones of Agrostis capillaris with different heavy metal tolerance. Applied Soil Ecology 99: 78-88
- Ropars J., Toro K. S., Noel J., Pelin A., Charron .P, Farinelli L., Marton T., Krüger M., Fuchs J., Brachmann A. & Corradi N. (2016) Evidence for the sexual origin of heterokaryosis in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Nature Microbiology 1: 1-9
- Bukovská P., Püschel D., Hršelová H., Jansa J. & Gryndler M. (2016) Can inoculation with living soil standardize microbial communities in soilless potting substrates? Applied Soil Ecology 108: 278-287
- Vohník M., Pánek M., Fehrer J. & Selosse M.-A. (2016) Experimental evidence of ericoid mycorrhizal potential within Serendipitaceae (Sebacinales). Mycorrhiza 26: 831-846
- Rydlová J., Püschel D., Dostálová M., Janoušková M. & Frouz J. (2016) Nutrient limitation drives response of Calamagrostis epigejos to arbuscular mycorrhiza in primary succession. Mycorrhiza 26: 757-767
- Püschel D., Janoušková M., Hujslová M., Slavíková R., Gryndlerová H. & Jansa J. (2016) Plant-fungus competition for nitrogen erases mycorrhizal growth benefits of Andropogon gerardii under limited nitrogen supply. Ecology and Evolution 6: 4332-4346
- Oliveira R. S., Ma Y., Rocha I., Carvalho M. F., Vosatka M. & Freitas H. (2016) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are an alternative to the application of chemical fertilizer in the production of the medicinal and aromatic plant Coriandrum sativum L. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A 79: 320-328
- Oliveira R. S., Rocha I., Ma Y., Vosatka M. & Freitas H. (2016) Seed coating with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as an ecotechnological approach for sustainable agricultural production of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A 79: 329-337
- Jehlík V., Dostálek J. & Frantík T. (2016) Threatened plant species in the river ports of Central Europe: a potential for nature conservation. Urban Ecosystems 19: 999-1012
- Pereira C. M. R., Maia L. C., Sánchez-Castro I., Palenzuela J., Silva D. K. A., Sudová R., Kolaříková Z., Rydlová J., Čtvrtlíková M., Goto B. T., Silva G. A. & Oehl F. (2016) Acaulospora papillosa, a new mycorrhizal fungus from NE Brazil, and Acaulospora rugosa from Norway. Phytotaxa 260: 14-24
- Sýkorová Z., Rydlová J., Slavíková R., Ness T., Kohout P. & Püschel D. (2016) Forest reclamation of fly ash deposit: a field study on appraisal of mycorrhizal inoculation. Restoration Ecology 24: 184-193
- Bahram M., Kohout P., Anslan S., Harend H., Abarenkov K. & Tedersoo L. (2016) Stochastic distribution of small soil eukaryotes resulting from high dispersal and drift in a local environment. ISME Journal 10: 885-896
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