List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
GA206/09/1126 The role of hybridization in plant evolution – In situ hybridization technique 2009 - 2012
M200050902 Vegetation structure and dynamics along elevation gradient in forested landscapes of South Korea 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/1126 The role of hybridization in plant evolution – In situ hybridization technique 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/1471 Charakteristiky druhů jako determinanty vlastností společenstev a ekosystémových funkcí v bylinných společenstvech s manipulovaným druhovým složením 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/1564 Multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation of the unique sediments from the former Komořanské jezero Lake, Most Basin, Czech Republic 2009 - 2012
FR-TI1/227 Research on natural stimulants to increase utility value and yield properties of selected crops 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/1564 Multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation of the unique sediments from the former Komořanské jezero Lake, Most Basin, Czech Republic 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/1471 Charakteristiky druhů jako determinanty vlastností společenstev a ekosystémových funkcí v bylinných společenstvech s manipulovaným druhovým složením 2009 - 2012
GA526/09/0838 Coexistence of native and inoculated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of host plants 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/1471 Charakteristiky druhů jako determinanty vlastností společenstev a ekosystémových funkcí v bylinných společenstvech s manipulovaným druhovým složením 2009 - 2012
FR-TI1/299 Development of strigolactone (STRGL) application technologies for their agrotechnical use 2009 - 2012
Spatial historical information as a backround for planning and development of natural forest in Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/1564 Multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation of the unique sediments from the former Komořanské jezero Lake, Most Basin, Czech Republic 2009 - 2012
Spatial historical information as a backround for planning and development of natural forest in Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland 2009 - 2011
GP206/09/P312 Allopolyploid origin and hybridization in allohexaploid grass Elytrigia intermedia (Poaceae, Triticeae) 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0697 The taxonomy of selected polymorphic filamentous green algae (from the orders Chaetophorales and Klebsormidiales) based on polyphasic approach. 2009 - 2011
Spatial historical information as a backround for planning and development of natural forest in Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011
Spatial historical information as a backround for planning and development of natural forest in Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland 2009 - 2011
Phylogeography and cytotype structure of Hieracium intybaceum (Asteraceae). 2009 - 2011