List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
PPK-354a/31/16 Extinct and endangered plant species from the Třeboň basin 2016 - 2016
300999 Strategie AV21, ROZE, Optimalizace využití sbírek biologického materiálu ústavů AV ČR 2016 - 2016
R200051601 Restoration of species-rich meadows by sowing regional seed mixture: why are some species unscuccesful? 2016 - 2016
300709 Sale of aquatic and wetland plants cultivated in the Collection 2016 - 2016
Polar ecology summer course - bio sciences 2016 - 2016
GA15-11635S The role of roots and litter in plant-soil feedback: consequences for soil biota and plant succession 2015 - 2017
The role of genetic and epigenetic changes and trait variation in adaptation of a clonal plant to changing climate 2015 - 2017
GA15-09119S Determinants of local plant abundance: relative importance of fitness and stabilizing niche differences 2015 - 2017
GA15-11635S The role of roots and litter in plant-soil feedback: consequences for soil biota and plant succession 2015 - 2017
200601MŠMT - LD15158 Modelling of large scale multi-agents disturbances in mountain spruce forests to assess their different scenarios 2015 - 2017
GA15-13491S Timing is everything: the role of seed banks in plant invasions 2015 - 2017
GA15-11912S Phylogenetic establishment of cyanobacterial genera through multilocus of the generitypes 2015 - 2017
The role of genetic and epigenetic changes and trait variation in adaptation of a clonal plant to changing climate 2015 - 2017
GA15-09119S Determinants of local plant abundance: relative importance of fitness and stabilizing niche differences 2015 - 2017
GA15-05466S Dynamics of mycorrhizal communities as plant adaptation to environmental conditions 2015 - 2017
GA15-11805S Windstorms in the Czech Lands during the past 500 years 2015 - 2017
GA15-11805S Windstorms in the Czech Lands during the past 500 years 2015 - 2017
200601MŠMT - LD15158 Modelling of large scale multi-agents disturbances in mountain spruce forests to assess their different scenarios 2015 - 2017
The role of genetic and epigenetic changes and trait variation in adaptation of a clonal plant to changing climate 2015 - 2017
GA15-11635S The role of roots and litter in plant-soil feedback: consequences for soil biota and plant succession 2015 - 2017