List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
19-10660S Removal of estrogenes from waste water using hydrodynamic cavitation in combination with advance oxidation processes 2019 - 2021
Dark Diversity Network 2019 - 2020
8J18FR021 The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus availability on nutrient uptake by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi 2019 - 2020
Improvement of hazelnut growth performance through symbiotic microbes/biostimulant application 2019 - 2020
Improvement of hazelnut growth performance through symbiotic microbes/biostimulant application 2019 - 2020
TN 01000048 BIOREFINERY Biorefinery as circulation technology 2019 - 2020
8J18FR021 The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus availability on nutrient uptake by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi 2019 - 2020
Integration of vegetation and soil historical records 2019 - 2020
PPK-496a/31/18, 307205 Extinct and endangered plant species from the Třeboň basin 2019 - 2019
207226NP Microclimate characteristics of natural forest stages influenced by disturbances and management 2019 - 2019
Disturbances of tundra vegetation and their consequences for arctic ecosystem, comparison to the experience from alpine tundra 2019 - 2019
304100 Sale of aquatic and wetland plants cultivated in the Collection 2019 - 2019
300998 Strategie AV21 - ROZE Networking and sustainable developing and increasing of publicity of Collections of the CAV. 2019 - 2019
300709 Sale of aquatic and wetland plants cultivated in the Collection 2019 - 2019
190120 Analysis of pathways of invasive organisms in the Czech. Rep 2019 - 2019
Plant Genetic Resources 2019 - 2019
SAV-18-18 Analysis of revitalization process in beech ecosystems over the immission load 2018 - 2021
2018-1-CZ01-KA202-048171 Botanical Gardens as Part of European Cultural Heritage 2018 - 2021
SAV-18-18 Analysis of revitalization process in beech ecosystems over the immission load 2018 - 2021
LTC18007 UAS approach for monitoring of plant invasions over different spatial and temporal scales 2018 - 2021