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Petter G., Mairota P., Albrich K., Bebi P., Brůna J., Bugmann H., Haffenden A., Scheller R. M., Schmatz D. R., Seidl R., Speich M., Vacchiano G. & Lischke H. 2020: How robust are future projections of forest landscape dynamics? Insights from a systematic comparison of four forest landscape models. Environmental Modelling & Software 134, 1 - 13. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104844
Pinc J., Chrtek J., Latzel V. & Mráz P. 2020: Negative effect of inbreeding on fitness of an arctic–alpine Hieracium alpinum (Asteraceae), a species with a geographical parthenogenesis distribution pattern. Plant Systematics and Evolution 306, 1 - 10. doi:10.1007/s00606-020-01692-6
Pipek P. 2020: Kreativní mozek novozélandského rošťáka. Vesmír 99, 530 - 534.
Pipek P., Blackburn T. M., Delean S., Cassey P., Şekercioğlu C. H. & Pyšek P. 2020: Lasting the distance: The survival of alien birds shipped to New Zealand in the 19th century. Ecology and Evolution 10, 3944 - 3953. doi:10.1002/ece3.6143
Pipek P., Pyšek P., Bacher S., Černá Bolfíková B. & Hulme P. E. 2020: Independent introductions of hedgehogs to the North and South Island of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 44, 1 - 6. doi:10.20417/nzjecol.44.7
Píšová S. & Fér T. 2020: Intraspecific differentiation of Sparganium erectum in the Czech Republic: molecular, genome size and morphometric analysis. Preslia 92, 137 - 165. doi:10.23855/preslia.2020.137
Płachno B. J., Adamec L., Świątek P., Kapusta M. & Miranda V. F. O. 2020: Life in the current: Anatomy and morphology of Utricularia neottioides. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 1 - 18. doi:10.3390/ijms21124474
Pokorný P., Sádlo J. & Storch D. 2020: Konec neolitu aneb Permanentní zemědělská revoluce. Pokorný P., & Storch D. (eds.): Antropocén. Academia, Praha, 404 - 434.
Ponert J. 2020: Život rostlin ve vzduchu - epifyty. Živa 68, 68 - 71.
Ponert J., Portilla Andrade M., Chumová Z. & Trávníček P. 2020: A new species of Andinia (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae) with unusual bearded flowers from Ecuador. Phytotaxa 439, 77 - 84. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.439.1.5
Prach K. & Jongepierová I. 2020: Ekologická obnova krajiny. Co člověk poničil, měl by zase napravit. Živa 68, 243 - 245.
Prach K., Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & del Moral R. 2020: Possibilities and limitations of passive restoration of heavily disturbed sites. Landscape Research 45, 247 - 253. doi:10.1080/01426397.2019.1593335
Prach K. & Walker L. R. 2020: Comparative Plant Succession among Terrestrial Biomes of the World. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1 - 399.
Prančl J., Fehrer J., Caklová P., Bambasová V., Lučanová M. & Kaplan Z. 2020: Intricate evolutionary history of Callitriche (Plantaginaceae) taxa elucidated by a combination of DNA sequencing and genome size. Taxon 69, 1016 - 1041.
Puchałka R., Vítková M., Mionskowski M., Prokopuk Y., Netsvetov M., Sádlo J., Klisz M. & Olszewski P. 2020: Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) distribution in Europe..
Püschel D., Bitterlich M., Rydlová J. & Jansa J. 2020: Facilitation of plant water uptake by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus: a Gordian knot of roots and hyphae. Mycorrhiza 30, 299 - 313. doi:10.1007/s00572-020-00949-9
Pyšek P., Bacher S., Kühn I., Novoa A., Catford J., Hulme P. E., Pergl J., Richardson D. M., Wilson J. R. U. & Blackburn T. M. 2020: MAcroecological Framework for Invasive Aliens (MAFIA): disentangling large-scale context-dependence in biological invasions. NeoBiota 62, 407 - 461. doi:10.3897/neobiota.62.52787
Pyšek P., Čuda J., Šmilauer P., Skálová H., Chumová Z., Lambertini C., Lučanová M., Ryšavá H., Trávníček P., Šemberová K. & Meyerson L. A. 2020: Competition among native and invasive Phragmites australis populations: an experimental test of the effects of invasion status, genome size, and ploidy level. Ecology and Evolution 10, 1106 - 1118. doi:10.1002/ECE3.5907
Pyšek P., Hejda M., Čuda J., Zambatis G., Pyšková K., MacFadyen S., Storch D., Tropek R. & Foxcroft L. C. 2020: Into the great wide open: do alien plants spread from rivers to dry savanna in the Kruger National Park? NeoBiota 60, 61 - 77. doi:10.3897/neobiota.60.5460
Pyšek P., Hulme P. E., Simberloff D., Bacher S., Blackburn T. M., Carlton J. T., Dawson W., Essl F., Foxcroft L. C., Genovesi P., Jeschke J. M., Kühn I., Liebhold A. M., Mandrak N. E., Meyerson L. A., Pauchard A., Pergl J., Roy H. E., Seebens H., van Kleunen M., Vilà M., Wingfield M. J. & Richardson D. M. 2020: Scientists’ warning on invasive alien species. Biological Reviews 95, 1511 - 1534. doi:10.1111/brv.12627