Seznam publikací



Jarić I., Courchamp F., Correia R. A., Crowley S. L., Essl F., Fischer A., González-Moreno P., Kalinkat G., Lambin X., Lenzner B., Meinard Y., Mill A., Musseau C., Novoa A., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Pyšková K., Robertson P., von Schmalensee M., Shackleton R. T., Stefansson R. A., Štajerová K., Veríssimo D. & Jeschke J. M. 2020: The role of species charisma in biological invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18, 345 - 353. doi:10.1002/fee.2195
Jiroušek M., Fabšičová M., Winkler J., Zdražílková M. & Vymyslický T. 2020: Patří úhory do moderní zemědělské krajiny? Úroda 2020, 62 - 65.
Jones E. J., Kraaij T., Guerbois C. & Moodley D. 2020: An assessment of the invasion status of terrestrial alien ferns (Polypodiophyta) in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 131, 64 - 73.
Kaláb O., Šipoš J. & Kočárek P. 2020: Leaving uncut refuges during meadow harvesting increases the functional diversity of Orthoptera. Entomological Science 23, 95 - 104. doi:10.1111/ens.12404
Kalendar R., Raskina O., Belyayev A. & Schulman A. H. 2020: Long Tandem Arrays of Cassandra Retroelements and Their Role in Genome Dynamics in Plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 1 - 20. doi:10.3390/ijms21082931
Kaplan Z., Danihelka J., Ekrt L., Štech M., Řepka R., Chrtek J. Jr., Grulich V., Rotreklová O., Dřevojan P., Šumberová K. & Wild J. 2020: Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 9. Preslia 92, 255 - 340. doi:10.23855/preslia.2020.255
Kattge J., Bönisch G., Díaz S., Lavorel S., Prentice I. C., Leadley P., Tautenhahn S., Werner G. D. A. & al. 2020: TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26, 119 - 188. doi:10.1111/gcb.14904
Keller S., Babbi M., Widmer S., Gehler J., Hausmann S., Berg C., Landucci F., Schwager P., Šumberová K. & Dengler J. 2020: Determination of habitat requirements of the glacial relict Nuphar pumila as basis for successful (re-)introductions. Tuexenia 40, 309 - 326. doi:10.14471/2020.40.022
Kirschner J. & Prausová R. 2020: Juncus ensifolius. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 55, 80 - 81.
Kirschner J., Štěpánek J., Klimeš L., Dvorský M., Brůna J., Macek M. & Kopecký M. 2020: The Taraxacum flora of Ladakh, with notes on the adjacent regions of the West Himalaya. Phytotaxa 457, 1 - 409. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.457.1.1
Klimeš A., Klimešová L., Bartušková A. & Klimešová J. 2020: Climbing strategy in herbs does not necessarily lead to lower investments into stem biomass. Plant Ecology 221, 1159 - 1166. doi:10.1007/s11258-020-01070-9
Klimešová J., Martínková J., Ottaviani G. & Charles-Dominique T. 2020: Half of the (big) picture is missing!. American Journal of Botany 107, 385 - 389. doi:10.1002/ajb2.1438
Klimešová J., Ottaviani G. & Martínková J. 2020: Switching from monocarpic to polycarpic perennial life histories in a cold climate: a commentary on ‘Physiological costs of clonal growth’. Annals of Botany 125, 4 - 5. doi:10.1093/aob/mcaa015
Klinerová T. & Dostál P. 2020: Nutrient‐demanding species face less negative competition and plant–soil feedback effects in a nutrient‐rich environment. New Phytologist 225, 1343 - 1354. doi:10.1111/nph.16227
Knotek A., Konečná V., Wos G., Požárová D., Šrámková G., Bohutínská M., Zeisek V., Marhold K. & Kolář F. 2020: Parallel alpine differentiation in arabidopsis arenosa. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 1 - 12. doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.561526
Kolář J. 2020: Migrations or local interactions? Spheres of interaction in third-millennium BC Central Europe. Antiquity 94, 1168 - 1185. doi:10.15184/aqy.2020.151
Kolátková V., Čepička I., Gargiulo G. M. & Vohník M. 2020: Enigmatic phytomyxid parasite of the alien seagrass Halophila stipulacea: new insights into its ecology, phylogeny, and distribution in the Mediterranean Sea. Microbial Ecology 79, 631 - 643. doi:10.1007/s00248-019-01450-3
Komárek J., Johansen J. R., Šmarda J. & Strunecký O. 2020: Phylogeny and taxonomy of Synechococcus–like cyanobacteria. Fottea 20, 171 - 191. doi:10.5507/fot.2020.006
Komárek J. & Lukavský J. 2020: Noví nebezpeční vodní vetřelci. Vesmír 99, 170 - 172.
Konečná V., Yant L. & Kolář F. 2020: The evolutionary genomics of serpentine adaptation. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 1 - 10. doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.574616