Department of Mycorrhizal Symbioses


About us

Mycorrhizal research has nearly 30 year-long tradition in the Institute of Botany, the Department of Mycorrhizal Symbioses was established in 2003.

Our traditional topic is arbuscular mycorrhiza in degraded soils. But we are also interested in the diversity and role of arbuscular mycorrhizal in natural ecosystems, we focus ericoid mycorrhiza, ectomycorrhiza and other endophytic fungi.

Postal address

Institute of Botany, AS CR
Department of Mycorrhizal Symbioses
Lesni 322
252 43    Pruhonice

While the headquartrers and the main part of the Institute of Botany resides at Prùhonice Castle not far from the town square, the Department of mycorrhizal symbioses is situated at the periphery of Prùhonice called Chotobuz.