Project leader
- 2008-2010 (GAAV, KJB601110813)
Microevolutionary processes in marginal populations of plants with ploidy heterogeneity: Hieracium echioides as a model system
- 2007-2009 (GAUK, 1207/2007)
Interploidy interaction in sympatric populations of Hieracium echioides
- 2006-2008 (GAUK, 145/2006)
Biosystematic study of Anthoxanthum odoratum complex in the Czech republic and adjacent territories
- 2006-2008 (GAUK, 147/2006)
Cytotype and genetic structure of symaptric populations of Vicia cracca
- 2012-2015 (GAČR, P506/12/1320; project leader J. Suda)
Will orchids reshape our understanding of genome-wide processes? Solving the enigma of progressively partial endoreduplication
- 2012-2015 (MŠMT, LH12099; project leader B. Kubátová)
Is invasiveness of aquatic plants triggered by polyploidization? Story of Myriophyllum species
- 2010-2013 (GAČR, P506/10/0643; project leader J. Suda)
Polyploid evolution in the Cape flora: insights from the key geophytic genus
- 2009-2012 (GAČR, 206/09/0843; project leader J. Suda)
Population processes governing the formation and establishment of polyploids: what maintains the cytotype coexistence in Gymnadenia conopsea?
- 2009-2012 (GAČR, P506/10/1363; project leader J. Chrtek)
Phylogeny of subtribe Hieraciinae (Asteraceae) - a model example of contrasting evolutionary strategies in closely related lineages
- 2008-2010 (GAČR, IAA601410806; project leader M. Štech)
Microspeciation processes and migration history of Melampyrum subalpinum group
- 2007-2009 (GAAV, KJB601110709; project leader P. Vít)
Remarkable Czech serpentine endemic Cerastium alsinifolium – evolutionary history, reproductive success, and consequences of hybridization with C. arvense
- 2006-2008 (GAAV, B601110627; project leader J. Suda)
Evolutionary history of relict serpentine populations of Knautia arvensis s.l. (Dipsacaceae) in Central Europe
- 2006-2008 (GAČR, 206/06/0598; project leader J. Suda)
Evolutionary dynamics in diploid-polyploid angiosperm alliances
- 2005-2007 (GAČR, 206/05/0778; project leader V. Mahelka)
Hybridisation within the wheat (Triticum aestivum)-Elytrigia intermedia-E. repens species complex: a probable case of crop - wild relative gene flow
- 2005 (FRVŠ, 947/2005; project leader J. Suda)
Practical flow cytometry at Faculty of Science, Charles University: an integrating course for both pregradual and postgradual students