06. Plant species coexistence

Plant species coexistence
Why some plant communities are locally more diverse than other communities of the same vegetation type or why local diversity changes in the face of global drivers remain central questions in plant ecology research. Differences in local diversity can be attributed to neutral processes that assume that species are not much different from each other: differences in local richness can simply reflect variability in richness on larger spatial scales (Zobel M. 1997. TREE 12: 266-269). However, species usually differ in many features, including competitive ability. Plant communities are dominated by plants that are better competitors, but surprisingly, other species often manage to grow alongside them. Our group is interested in the mechanisms that promote/constrain the coexistence of plant species in temperate grassland communities. For that, we use observational, experimental and modelling approaches in distinct grassland systems in the Czech Republic, together with experiments in a common garden at the Institute of Botany CAS.Projects:
Exploring plant species coexistence within the modern coexistence theory framework
An increasing attention has been paid to modern coexistence theory (MCT; Chesson 2000. AREES 31: 343–366) as a framework for predicting plant species coexistence. Under the MCT framework, whether competing...
read more...Coexistence of competitors mediated by plant soil feedbacks
Soil organisms are increasingly considered to influence plant community dynamics and contribute to outcomes of plant-plant interactions. Plant-soil feedbacks (PSFs) indicate the ability of a species to modify soil abiotic...
read more...Coexistence in a temperate montane grassland: importance of interspecific trait differences and of environmental variation for plant species coexistence
Several current and former members of our research group have been involved in research of montane grassland dynamics in the Krkonoše Mts. Most of the grasslands in the Krkonoše were...
Tomáš Herben, František Krahulec, Věroslava Hadincová, Sylvie Pecháčková