Recent papers on species adaptation to climate change
Thakur D, Hadincová V, Schnablová R, Synková H, Haisel D, Wilhelmová N, Dostálek T, Münzbergová Z (2023) Differential Effect of Climate of Origin and Cultivation Climate on Structural and Biochemical Plant Traits. Functional Ecology 37: 1436–48.
Thakur D, Münzbergová Z (2022) Rhizome trait scaling relationships are modulated by growth conditions and are linked to plant fitness. Annals of Botany 129: 529–540.
Kosová V, Latzel V, Hadincová V, Münzbergová Z (2022) Effect of DNA methylation, modified by 5-azaC, on ecophysiological responses of a clonal plant to changing climate. Scientific Reports 12 (1),17262.
Münzbergová Z, Vandvik V, Hadincová V (2021) Evolutionary Rescue as a Mechanism Allowing a Clonal Grass to Adapt to Novel Climates. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12.
Veselá A, Hadincová V, Vandvik V, Münzbergová Z (2021) Maternal effects strengthen interactions of temperature and precipitation, determining seed germination of dominant alpine grass species. American Journal of Botany, 108: 798-810.
Kosová V, Hájek T, Hadincová V, Münzbergová Z (2021) The importance of ecophysiological traits in response of Festuca rubra to changing climate. Physiologia Plantarum.
Veselá A, Dostálek T, Rokaya MB, Münzbergová Z (2020) Seed Mass and Plant Home Site Environment Interact to Determine Alpine Species Germination Patterns along an Elevation Gradient. Alpine Botany 130: 101-113.
Dostálek T, Rokaya MB, Münzbergová Z (2020) Plant Palatability and Trait Responses to Experimental Warming. Scientific Reports 10: 10526.
Münzbergová Z, Kosová V, Schnáblová R, Rokaya M, Synková H, Haisel D, Wilhelmová N, Dostálek T (2020) Plant Origin, but Not Phylogeny, Drive Species Ecophysiological Response to Projected Climate. Frontiers in Plant Science 11.
Kergunteuil A, Humair L, Münzbergová Z, Rasmann S (2019) Plant adaptation to different climates shapes the strengths of chemically-mediated tritrophic interactions. Functional Ecology 33: 1893-1903.
Münzbergová Z, Latzel V, Šurinová M, Hadincová V (2019) DNA methylation as a possible mechanism affecting ability of natural populations to adapt to changing climate. Oikos 128, 124-134.
Stojanova B, Kolaříková V, Šurinová M, Klápště J, Hadincová V, Münzbergová Z (2019) Evolutionary potential of a widespread clonal grass under changing climate. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32:1057-1068.
Šurinová M, Hadincová V, Vandvik V, Münzbergová Z (2019) Temperature and precipitation, but not geographic distance, explain genetic relatedness among populations in the perennial grass Festuca rubra. Journal of Plant Ecology 12:730-741.
Stojanova B, Šurinová M, Klápště J, Koláříková V, Hadincová V, Münzbergová Z (2018) Adaptive differentiation of Festuca rubra along a climate gradient revealed by molecular markers and quantitative traits. Plos One 13.
Münzbergová Z, Hadincová V (2017) Transgenerational plasticity as an important mechanism affecting response of clonal species to changing climate. Ecology and Evolution 7:5236-5247.
Münzbergová Z, Hadincová V, Skálová H, Vandvik V (2017) Genetic differentiation and plasticity interact along temperature and precipitation gradients to determine plant performance under climate change. Journal of Ecology 105: 1358-1373.