Running projects:
- 2022–2025 Development of effective tools for monitoring and assessment of ecological status and ecosystem services of fishponds and for an improvement of communication with stakeholders
- 2021–2026 Center for Landscape and Biodiversity (DivLand)
- 2021–2024 Application of traditional knowledge to halt biodiversity loss in woodlands
Finished projects:
- 2021–2023 Adaptation, avoidance, or extinction: linking community ecology and ecophysiology to understand the moisture deficit effects in temperate forests
- 2021–2023 Causes of decline and a system of effective restoration of priority habitat types of subalpine grasslands
- 2020–2022 Biodiversity, disturbance history and soil memory: testing the Holocene continuity of species rich forest-steppe ecosystems
- 2019–2022 The role of charcoal mounds in terms of cultural heritage and protection of landscape
- 2019–2022 Restoration of coppicing management: a way to diversification of the societal, economic and ecological use of the forest potential in Central Europe
- 2019–2022 Biodiversity increase and support of ecosystem services in agricultural landscape through alternative management practices in grasslands and pastures
- 2019–2021 Land use, social transformations and woodland in Central European Prehistory. Modelling approaches to human-environment interactions
- 2019–2021 Application of the long-term forest history to forestry practices
- 2018–2020 Agroforestry – potential for regional development and sustainable rural landscapes
- 2017–2019 Humans as nature: anthropogenic legacy in temperate forest ecosystems
- 2017–2019 Hiden human prehistoric activities in the mountains. Archaeological and pollen evidence of the Šumava Mountains
- 2016–2018 Origin of diversity of Central European landscapes
- 2015–2017 Windstorms in the Czech Lands during the past 500 years
- 2014–2016 Integration of environmental, biological and management-related monitoring of fishponds: case study based on use of stable sensor system
- 2012–2016 Long-term woodland dynamics in Central Europe: from estimations to a realistic model
- 2012–2015 Pollen-based land-cover reconstruction – model testing and its implications for Holocene environmental change studies
- 2012–2015 The role of the soil diaspore bank as an integral part of the life history of ecologically extremely specialized ephemeral, semi-aquatic plant species
- 2012–2015 Coppice forests as the production and biological alternative for the future
- 2012–2015 Implementation of science and research in education
- 2012–2013 Polyploidy, ecological niche and demographic development of the wetland annual plant species Cyperus fuscus
- 2009–2011 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities
- 2008–2012 Lowland woodland in the perspective of the historical development
- 2008–2012 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs