Hiden human prehistoric activities in the mountains. Archaeological and pollen evidence of the Šumava Mountains.
- Czech Science Foundation
Principal investigator:
- Dagmar Dreslerová (Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague)
- Helena Svitavská Svobodová (Institute of Botany, CAS)
- Vojtěch Abraham (Charles University, Faculty of Science)
- 2017–2019
Project description:
The discovery of the unique La Tène locality in the mountain area of Šumava Mountains (Czech Mountains) was a key point for the project. The peatbog in its vicinity will provide information about environment of the Celtic settlement with the help of palaeoecological methods; pollen, macroremains and anthracological analysis. For the quantitative interpretation of the pollen analysis the models REVEALS and LOVE will be used. Vegetation history will be supported by another 17 pollen profiles of the area which will be evaluated by radiocarbon data and the desired time horizon will be analyzed with high resolution approach. The aims of the project are to interpret the impact of the human activities on natural development of the forests in Šumava, to clarify the role of past human activities in modifying and shaping the vegetation in the montane and sub-montane areas of Šumava and to investigate the mechanism of pollen deposition with emphasis on the origin of anthropogenic pollen indicators.
Team at Institute of Botany, CAS:
- Helena Svitavská Svobodová
- Přemysl Bobek
- Irena Krausová