Lectures and seminars
27. 2. 2019, 9:00, Knight’s hall of the Průhonice Castle
Progress in the use of UAS Techniques for Environmental Monitoring
21. 2. 2019, 10:00, Knight’s hall of the Průhonice Castle
Dr. Harmony J. Dalgeish: Herbivory and functional traits affect the demography of Asclepias syriaca
7. 4. 2017, 9:30, Knight’s hall of the Průhonice Castle
Tomasz Książczyk (Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences): Genome-dependent chromosome dynamics in plants of the Festuca-Lolium complex
Calendar of seminars of the Department of population ecology
4. 5. 2016, 10:00, Knight’s hall of the Průhonice Castle
Mari Moora: Shedding light on fungal symbionts: do host plant light preferences influence root inhabiting AM fungal communities?
Martin Zobel: Linking traits, flora and communities – from arctic vegetation to mycorrhiza.
2. 5. 2016, 10:30, Knight’s hall of the Průhonice Castle
Sergio Rasmann: Elevation gradients drives the evolution of plant defence strategies against herbivores.
13. 4. 2016, 10:30, Lecture room at Chotobuz, Průhonice
Bojana Stojanova: Host race evolution in parasitic weeds: a study of gentypic and phenotypic differentiation of Phelipanche ramosa