Project Detail

Biorefinery and circular economy for sustainability

Name: Biorefinery and circular economy for sustainability
Researchers: Lukavský Jaromír (researcher)
Švehlová Dana (member in research team)
Kvíderová Jana (member in research team)
Přibyl Pavel (member in research team)
Provider: Technologická agentura ČR. Tento projekt Biorafinace a cirkulární ekonomika pro udržitelnost je spolufinancován se státní podporou Technologické agentury ČR v rámci Programu Národní Centra kompetence.
Number: TN02000044
Realization from: 2023
Realization to: 2028
Summary: The goals are new products from renewable sources related to the Circular Economy employed environmentally friendly technologies addressing individual elements of EGD concerning current social and environmental issues. The effective utilization of waste originated in agriculture, animal production or forestry, various discarded constructions, electrical facilities and plastic materials to obtain biostimulants from green hydrolyzate from animal wastes, agriculture reclamation of dumps by mixed biochar with biostimulants for fast-growing trees, new biopesticides for chemical pesticides replacement, catalysts for synthesis of petrochemicals from ethanol based on lignocellulosic materials, oil products from the complete recycling of plastics, green energy by reuse of discarded solar panels.

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