Revitalization of phytotoxic soils using cyanobacteria and algae
Name: | Revitalization of phytotoxic soils using cyanobacteria and algae |
Researchers: |
Vítová Milada (researcher) Kvíderová Jana (member in research team) Střížek Antonín (member in research team) Elster Josef (member in research team) |
Provider: | Technologická agentura ČR – 7. veřejná soutěž programu Prostředí pro život_PP2. Tento projekt Revitalizace fytotoxických půd pomocí sinic a řas je financován se státní podporou Technologické agentury ČR a Ministerstva životního prostředí ČR v rámci Programu Prostředí pro život. Tento projekt je financován v rámci Národního plánu obnovy z evropského Nástroje pro oživení a odolnost. |
Number: | SS07020063 |
Realization from: | 2024 |
Realization to: | 2026 |
Summary: | The goal of the project is to design and apply innovative biotechnology for revitalizing phytotoxic soils (e.g. coal mining dumps) based on the use of specific cyanobacteria and microscopic algae, or their consortia. When selecting the strains, emphasis will be placed on natural extremotolerant representatives. The selected strains will be applied in the locality of interest, where they will form a biocrust and thereby improve the physical, chemical and biological quality of the soil. It will also serve to retain water in the landscape, thereby enabling further settlement and revitalization of the originally phytotoxic soil. These resistant strains growing on soil will also be able to grow in water, and therefore they will be used for remediation of waste water and water habitats. |