Algal meadows: bioremediation technology for ecological restoration of aquatic habitats.
Name: | Algal meadows: bioremediation technology for ecological restoration of aquatic habitats. |
Researchers: |
Vítová Milada (researcher) Kvíderová Jana (member in research team) |
Provider: | Technologická agentura ČR – 7. veřejná soutěž programu Prostředí pro život_PP2. Tento projekt Řasové louky: bioremediační technologie pro ekologickou obnovu vodních biotopů je financován se státní podporou Technologické agentury ČR a Ministerstva životního prostředí ČR v rámci Programu Prostředí pro život. Tento projekt je financován v rámci Národního plánu obnovy z evropského Nástroje pro oživení a odolnost. |
Number: | SS07020018 |
Realization from: | 2024 |
Realization to: | 2026 |
Summary: | The utilization of underwater macroalgal meadows, occurring in post-mining lakes of northern Czechia, for the bioremediation of nutrients and pollutants in aquatic biotopes. The project focuses on implementing ecologically appropriate and economically sustainable methods to preserve water quality in various aquatic biotopes. The project’s aim is to obtain macroalgal strains capable of nutrient and pollutant accumulation from the water and utilize them in the processes of remediation and bioaccumulation. The bioremediation abilities of macroalgae will serve as a valuable basis for the management of existing and newly emerging mining lakes. The focus will be on ensuring the long-term ecological, socio-economic, and recreational value of these exceptional aquatic ecosystems. |