Project Detail

Monitoring the spread and management of invasive and expansive species using advanced earth observation methods

Name: Monitoring the spread and management of invasive and expansive species using advanced earth observation methods
Researchers: Vítková Michaela (researcher)
Kolombová Natálie (member in research team)
Perglová Irena (member in research team)
Sádlo Jiří (member in research team)
Rajznoverová Ivana (member in research team)
Čuda Jan (member in research team)
Kutlvašr Josef (member in research team)
Pergl Jan (member in research team)
Kušková Klára (member in research team)
Provider: SS07020317
Realization from: 2024
Realization to: 2026
Summary: The aim is to design and automate technology for monitoring the spread and the effectiveness of different managements of selected invasive/expansive plant species using advanced Earth observation (EO) methods. Partial goals: 1. To acquire at different dates (ideal/not ideal in terms of phenology) multispectral UAV data with very high spatial resolution and botanical reference data for sites with stands of the monitored species in the Krkonše Mts. and the Orlické Mts. 2. To test the reliability of mapping invasive/expansive plants using EO for (a) effective distribution monitoring and (b) controlling the effectivity of different managements (grazing, mowing, chemical treatment, mulching), to propose a verified technology and its implementation including an automated data processinng tool.

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