Complex solution of small domestic WWTP with an emphasis on the removal of phosphorus and micropollutants
Name: | Complex solution of small domestic WWTP with an emphasis on the removal of phosphorus and micropollutants |
Researchers: |
Odehnalová Klára (head – principal researcher) Maršálková Eliška (member of research team) Maršálek Blahoslav (member of research team) |
Provider: | Technologická agentura ČR – 7. veřejná soutěž programu Prostředí pro život_PP2. Tento projekt Komplexní řešení malé domovní ČOV s důrazem na odstraňování fosforu a mikropolutantů je financován se státní podporou Technologické agentury ČR a Ministerstva životního prostředí ČR v rámci Programu Prostředí pro život. Tento projekt je financován v rámci Národního plánu obnovy z evropského Nástroje pro oživení a odolnost. |
Number: | SS07020057 |
Web: | |
Realization from: | 2024 |
Realization to: | 2026 |
Summary: | This project aims to develop, design, manufacture and verify a comprehensive small domestic wastewater treatment plant (SDWWTP) that removes phosphorus and micropollutants. The domestic treatment plant will be supplemented by a tertiary phosphorus precipitation unit and a quaternary unit based on the patented CaviPlasma principle capable of removing micropollutants. The technology will be tested on priority micropollutants such as endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. Its effectiveness for a household with 4-10 inhabitants will be verified. The effluent from the SDWWTP will also be tested for ecotoxicity to confirm its safe reuse in the household. The technological solution will address the specific needs of domestic WWTPs. |