Project Detail

Application of the long-term forest history to forestry practices

Name: Application of the long-term forest history to forestry practices
Researchers: Vild Ondřej (researcher)
Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Realization from: 2019
Realization to: 2021
Summary: The aim of the project is to provide resources that will be used for the planning and implementation of forest management. These resources will be used by the application guarantor and provided to the users – professional forest managers. The main source for the project is the applicant's database of information on long-term forest development. Within the project, this information will be supplemented, analysed and transformed into specialized interactive maps, which will be integrated into the application guarantor's map server at the end of the project ( In addition, a methodology will be prepared to enable the application guarantor to make effective use of its own data for its core activities.

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