List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
TN02000044 Biorefinery and circular economy for sustainability 2023 - 2028
TN02000044 Biorefinery and circular economy for sustainability 2023 - 2028
TN 01000048 BIOREFINERY Biorefinery as circulation technology 2019 - 2020
TE01020080 BIORAFINERY Center of competence for biorefining research 2016 - 2019
b1 Study of biotechnological potential of extremophilic and extremotolerant algae and cyanobacteria 2014 - 2017
b1 Study of biotechnological potential of extremophilic and extremotolerant algae and cyanobacteria 2014 - 2017
b1 Study of biotechnological potential of extremophilic and extremotolerant algae and cyanobacteria 2014 - 2017
TA03011027 (Microalgae as perspective source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and their incorporation into food chain of men 2013 - 2016
TA0311027 Microalgae as perspective source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and their incorporation into food chain of men 2013 - 2016
TA03011027 Microalgae as perspective source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and their incorporation into food chain of men 2013 - 2016
TE01020080 Biorefinery Research Centre of Competence 2012 - 2020
TE01020080 Biorefinery Research Centre of Competence, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 2012 - 2020
TE01020080 Biorefinery Research Centre of Competence 2012 - 2019
B1305 Research and Application of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae Isolated from Extreme Habitats (joint research project) 2011 - 2013
B1305 Research and Application of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae Isolated from Extreme Habitats (joint research project) 2011 - 2013
B1305 Research and Application of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae Isolated from Extreme Habitats (joint research project) 2011 - 2013
Eco-Physiological study of cyanoprocaryotes and algae from extreme habitats 2009 - 2009
Bioindication and revitalization of toxic and antropogenic substrates and water sources: application of cyano bacteria, algae, soil bacteria and symbiotic fungi 2005 - 2011
1M0571 Centre for Bioindication and Revitalization 2005 - 2011
Výzkumné centrum „Bioindikace a revitalizace toxických antropogenních substrátů a vodních zdrojů: využití sinic, řas, půdních bakterií a symbiotických hub“. 2005 - 2009