List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
Vegetation and landscape reconstruction for the Last Glacial period in the Czech and Slovak Republic (environment of human populations and fauna) 2003 - 2005
Categories and evaluation of recreational, sport and tourist activities impact related to ecosystems of central zone in Biospheric Reservation Giant Mountains 2003 - 2005
Molecular, phenotype and ultrastructural relations in heterocytous cyanobacteria 2003 - 2005
Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Genera Lepraria and Leproloma (Ligenes) in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and neighbouring areas of South Eastern Europe 2003 - 2005
Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Plants, insects and vertebrates: an integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions on population and ecosystem levels 2003 - 2007
Plants, insects and vertebrates: an integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions on population and ecosystem levels 2003 - 2007
Prostorová a časová variabilita vegetace obnažených den na příkladu sádek a rybníků v Českobudějovické pánvi 2003 - 2005
Dendroclimatology of invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Dendroclimatology of invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Dendroclimatology of invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Dendroclimatology of invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Plants, insects and vertebrates: an integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions on population and ecosystem levels 2003 - 2007
Strategie pro přezimování Microcystis sp. - má microcystin signální funkci? 2003 - 2005
Dendroclimatology of invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Lokální adaptace v rostlinných populacích: určující mechanismy a význam v dynamicky měnící se krajině 2003 - 2006