List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
Which functional traits of plants are associated with species changes in meadows subjected to different management regimes? 2006 - 2008
Which functional traits of plants are associated with species changes in meadows subjected to different management regimes? 2006 - 2008
Which functional traits of plants are associated with species changes in meadows subjected to different management regimes? 2006 - 2008
IAA600050820 Upward migration of sub-nival plants in E Ladakh: the role of plant traits and interactions under climate warming 2008 - 2012
IAA600050820 Upward migration of sub-nival plants in E Ladakh: the role of plant traits and interactions under climate warming 2008 - 2012
GA526/07/0808 Setting targets for management of wet meadows in the landscape framework 2007 - 2011
Setting targets for management of wet meadows in the landscape framework 2007 - 2011
Setting targets for management of wet meadows in the landscape framework 2007 - 2011
GA526/07/0808 Setting targets for management of wet meadows in the landscape framework 2007 - 2011
GA526/07/0808 Setting targets for management of wet meadows in the landscape framework 2007 - 2011
GA17-07378S Růstová strategie trvalek: od buněk k celým rostlinám 2019 - 2021
R200051601 Restoration of species-rich meadows by sowing regional seed mixture: why are some species unscuccesful? 2016 - 2016
GA16-19245S Response to disturbance as the key process in evolution of herbaceous and clonal growth forms: linking phylogenetic and experimnetal approaches 2016 - 2018
GA16-19245S Response to disturbance as the key process in evolution of herbaceous and clonal growth forms: linking phylogenetic and experimnetal approaches 2016 - 2018
CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0305 Postdocs = interdisciplinary problematic 2013 - 2015
Plants, insects and vertebrates: an integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions on population and ecosystem levels 2003 - 2007
GA206/08/H044 Plants, insects and vertebrates: an integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions on population and ecosystem levels 2008 - 2011
Plants, insects and vertebrates: an integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions on population and ecosystem levels 2008 - 2011
Plants, insects and vertebrates: an integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions on population and ecosystem levels 2003 - 2007
Plants, insects and vertebrates: an integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions on population and ecosystem levels 2003 - 2007