List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
23-05132S New calibration and indicator systems for reconstruction of Holocene climate controlled for local habitat development 2023 - 2025
23-05132S New calibration and indicator systems for reconstruction of Holocene climate controlled for local habitat development 2023 - 2025
115V342001007 Paleoecological analyses of the montane zone of the Krkonoše Mountains 2023 - 2023
P505/10/0638 Calcium tolerance in Sphagnum, its physiological and genetic backgrounds, and consequences in mire ecology 2010 - 2014
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011
Diversity of vegetation of mesic and wet meadows 2008 - 2009
Diversity of mesophilous and wet grasslands 2008 - 2010
GA206/08/0389 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
Vegetace České republiky: formalizovaná typizace, monografie a expertní systém 2005 - 2007
Vegetace České republiky: formalizovaná typizace, monografie a expertní systém 2005 - 2007
Monitoring horských rašelinišť Jizerských hor 2005 - 2005
Monitoring horských rašelinišť Jizerských hor 2005 - 2005
Diverzita mokřadní vegetace v bulharských pohořích 2003 - 2005
Diverzita vegetace podél gradientu kontinentality na jižní Sibiři: klíč k pochopení raně postglaciální historie střední Evropy 2003 - 2007
Ecology and palaeoecology of spring wetlands in the western part of Carpathians 2002 - 2004
Ecology and palaeoecology of spring wetlands in the western part of Carpathians 2002 - 2004
GA206/02/0568 Ecology and palaeoecology of spring wetlands in the western part of Carpathians 2002 - 2004
Vliv hospodářských zásahů na změnu biologické diverzity ve zvláště chráněných územích. 2000 - 2004