List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
P505/10/0593 The role of stochastic and deterministic factors for shaping species composition of dry grassland fragments. 2010 - 2014
GA15-11635S The role of roots and litter in plant-soil feedback: consequences for soil biota and plant succession 2015 - 2017
GA15-11635S The role of roots and litter in plant-soil feedback: consequences for soil biota and plant succession 2015 - 2017
MGSII-18,MGSII-18 Collection of information for updating rescue plan for Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica 2015 - 2016
GA15-11635S The role of roots and litter in plant-soil feedback: consequences for soil biota and plant succession 2015 - 2017
MGSII-18 Collection of specialized materials for update of action plan for Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica 2015 - 2016
LIFE15 NAT/CZ/000818 LIFE for Minuartia 2016 - 2020
LIFE15 NAT/CZ/000818 LIFE for Minuartia 2016 - 2020
Protection of priority grassland habitats in the SCIs of the South Moravian Region 2019 - 2025
An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century 2019 - 2023
COST - Conserve plants 2019 - 2023
LIFE15NAT/CZ/000818 LIFE South Moravia 2019 - 2025
The restoration of biotops L8.3 and L8.1 in Bernartice querry 2020 - 2022
Establishment of serpentine bitopes 2021 - 2023
Support of serpentine species and perialpidic pine forest 2021 - 2024
SS72010002 Improving the Functional Connectivity of Grassland Networks for Plant-Pollinator Interactions 2023 - 2026