List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
Lowland woodland in the perspective of historical development 2008 - 2012
IAA600050812 Lowland woodland in the perspective of historical development 2008 - 2012
IAA600050812 Lowland woodland in the perspective of historical development 2008 - 2012
IAA600050812 Lowland woodland in the perspective of historical development 2008 - 2012
GA206/08/0389 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
Maloplošné a trvale udržitelné alternativní způsoby obhospodařování luk a lad s ohledem na biodiverzitu flóry a entomofauny. - návrh 2008 - 2012
GA206/08/0389 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
GA206/08/0389 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
GA206/08/0389 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
GA206/08/0389 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
IAA600050812 Lowland woodland in the perspective of historical development 2008 - 2012
GA206/08/0389 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
IAA600050812 Lowland woodland in the perspective of historical development 2008 - 2012
Trvale udržitelné alternativní způsoby obhospodařování luk a úhorů s ohledem na biodiverzitu flóry a entomofauny - návrh 2008 - 2011
Diversity of mesophilous and wet grasslands 2008 - 2010
KJB600050803 Plant species diversity in storage pond systems of different age and disturbance regime 2008 - 2010
KJB600050803 Plant species diversity in storage pond systems of different age and disturbance regime 2008 - 2010
KJB600050803 Plant species diversity in storage pond systems of different age and disturbance regime 2008 - 2010
Diversity of mesophilous and wet grasslands 2008 - 2010