


Arco Molina J. G., Altman J., Rai S., Korznikov K., Pejcha V., Dvorský M. & Doležal J. 2024: Climate drivers of Pinus ponderosa tree development on volcanic tephra deposits in the Southwestern USA: Insights from radial increment and wood density variations. Dendrochronologia 88, 1 - 18. doi:10.1016/j.dendro.2024.126242
Bose A. K., Doležal J., Scherrer D., Altman J., Ziche D., Martínez-Sancho E., Bigler C., Bolte A., Colangelo M., Dorado-Liñán I., Drobyshev I., Etzold S., Fonti P., Gessler A., Kolář T., Koňasová E., Korznikov K. A., Lebourgeois F., Lucas-Borja M. E., Menzel A., Neuwirth B., Nicolas M., Omelko A. M., Pederson N., Petritan A. M., Rigling A., Rybníček M., Scharnweber T., Schröder J., Silla F., Sochová I., Sohar K., Ukhvatkina O. N., Vozmishcheva A. S., Zweifel R. & Camarero J. J. 2024: Revealing legacy effects of extreme droughts on tree growth of oaks across the Northern Hemisphere. Science of the Total Environment 926, 1 - 12. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172049
Doležal J., Chondol T., Chlumská Z., Altman J., Čapková K., Dvorský M., Fibich P., Korznikov K. A., Ruka A. T., Kopecký, M., Macek, M. & Řeháková K. 2024: Contrasting biomass allocations explain adaptations to cold and drought in the world’s highest-growing angiosperms. Annals of Botany 134, 401 - 414. doi:10.1093/aob/mcae028
Chondol T., Korznikov K. A. & Doležal J. 2024: Ecological significance of marcescence in Himalayan plants: Why is standing dead phytomass more important in demanding, resource-limited environments? Functional Ecology 38, 942 - 954. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14513
Korznikov K. A., Altman J., Belyaeva N. G., Dzizyurova V. D., Kislov D. E., Linnik E. V., Petrenko T. Y. & Krestov P. V. 2024: Boreal to temperate forests transition within Kunashir Island (the Kuril Archipelago): Insights from the novel vegetation map. Botanica Pacifica 13, 37 - 43. doi:10.17581/bp.2024.13109
Korznikov K. A., Dzizyurova V. D. & Petrenko T. Y. 2024: Broad-leaved and mixed cooltemperate forests from the class Fagetea crenatae Miyawaki, Ohba et Murase 1964 on Kunashir Island (the Kurils archipelago). Botanica Pacifica 13, 163 - 172. doi:10.17581/bp.2024.13207
Korznikov K. A., Dzizyurova V. D. & Petrenko T. Ya. 2024: Tall-forbs vegetation of the class Filipendulo-Artemisietea montanae Ohba 1973 from Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Botanica Pacifica 13, 173 - 180. doi:10.17581/bp.2024.13211
Plavcová L., Jandová V., Altman J., Liancourt P., Korznikov K. & Doležal J. 2024: Variations in wood anatomy in Afrotropical trees with a particular emphasis on radial and axial parenchyma. Annals of Botany 134, 151 - 162. doi:10.1093/aob/mcae049
Doležal J., Korznikov K., Altman J., Fibich P., Řeháhová K., Lltonga E. N., Majeský L. & Dančák M. 2023: Ecological niches of epiphyllous bryophytes along Afrotropical elevation gradient. Oikos 2023, 1 - 14. doi:10.1111/oik.09772
Korznikov K. A. & Krestov P. V. 2023: Синтаксоны темнохвойных лесов и зарослей кедрового стланика на Дальнем Востоке России (класс Vaccinio-Piceetea). Vegetation of Russia 47, 61 - 71. doi:10.31111/vegrus/2023.47.61
Korznikov K., Kislov D., Doležal J. & Altman J. 2023: Poleward migration of tropical cyclones induced severe disturbance of boreal forest above 50°. Science of the Total Environment 890, 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164376
Korznikov K., Kislov D., Petrenko T., Dzizyurova V., Doležal J., Krestov P. & Altman J. 2023: Unveiling the Potential of Drone-Borne Optical Imagery in Forest Ecology: A Study on the Recognition and Mapping of Two Evergreen Coniferous Species. Remote Sensing 15, 1 - 16. doi:10.3390/rs15184394
Korznikov K., Petrenko T., Kislov D., Krestov P. & Doležal J. 2023: Predicting Spruce Taiga Distribution in Northeast Asia Using Species Distribution Models: Glacial Refugia, Mid-Holocene Expansion and Future Predictions for Global Warming. Forests 14, 1 - 16. doi:10.3390/f14020219
Krestov P. V., Dzizyurova V. D. & Korznikov K. A. 2023: Validation of syntaxa names of the class Quercetea mongolicae – temperate mainland broadleaved and mixed forests of the Far East. Botanica Pacifica 12, 169 - 174. doi:10.17581/bp.2023.12109
Korznikov, K., Kislov, D., Doležal, J., Petrenko, T. & Altman, J. 2022: Tropical cyclones moving into boreal forests: Relationships between disturbance areas and environmental drivers. Science of the Total Environment 844, 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156931