


Vohník M., Burdíková Z. & Wilkinson D. M. 2012: Testate Amoebae Communities in the Rhizosphere of Rhododendron ponticum (Ericaceae) in an Evergreen Broadleaf Forest in Southern Spain. Acta protozoologica 51, 259 - 269. doi:10.4467/16890027AP.12.021.0767
Vohník M., Sadowsky J. J., Kohout P., Lhotáková Z., Nestby R. & Kolařík M. 2012: Novel root-fungus symbiosis in Ericaceae: sheathed ericoid mycorrhiza formed by a hitherto undescribed basidiomycete with affinities to Trechisporales. PLoS One 7, 1 - 16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039524
Vohník M., Sadowsky J. J., Lukešová T., Albrechtová J. & Vosátka M. 2012: Inoculation with a ligninolytic basidiomycete, but not root symbiotic ascomycetes, positively affects growth of highbush blueberry (Ericaceae) grown in a pine litter substrate. Plant and Soil 355, 341 - 352. doi:10.1007/s11104-011-1106-2
Kohout P., Sýkorová Z., Bahram M., Hadincová V., Albrechtová J., Tedersoo L. & Vohník M. 2011: Ericaceous dwarf shrubs affect ectomycorrhizal fungal community of the invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in a pot experiment. Mycorrhiza 21, 403 - 412. doi:10.1007/s00572-010-0350-2
Mrnka L., Doubková P., Habart J., Sudová R., Tlustoš P., Vohník M. & Vosátka M. 2011: Pěstování vrb a topolů formou výmladkových plantáží na půdách kontaminovaných rizikovými prvky: teoretické podklady a praktický návod pro pěstitele v ČR. (Willow and Poplar Short Rotation Coppice Plantations in Soils Contaminated by Risk Elements: Review and Handbook for Growers in the Czech Republic.) Botanický ústav AVČR, v.v.i., 1 - 98.
Mrnka L., Doubková P., Habart J., Sudová R., Tlustoš P., Vohník M. & Vosátka M. 2011: Willow and Poplar Short Rotation Coppice Plantations in Soils Contaminated by Risk Elements. Review and Handbook for Growers in the Czech Republic. Botanický ústav AVČR, v.v.i., 1 - 98.
Vohník M. & Albrechtová J. 2011: The co-occurrence and morphological continuum between ericoid mycorrhiza and dark septate endophytes in roots of six European Rhododendron species. Folia Geobotanica 46, 373 - 386. doi:10.1007/s12224-011-9098-5
Vohník M., Burdíková Z., Vyhnal A. & Koukol O. 2011: Interactions Between Testate Amoebae and Saprotrophic Microfungi in a Scots Pine Litter Microcosm. Microbial Ecology 61, 660 - 668. doi:10.1007/s00248-010-9777-4
Vosátka M., Mrnka L., Sudová R., Vohník M., Doubková P., Kuchár M., Tlustoš P., Habart J., Trakal L. & Joner E. J. 2011: Kombinované přípravky pro zakládání výmladkových plantáží rychle rostoucích dřevin na půdách kontaminovaných rizikovými prvky. (Combined agens for establishment of short rotation coppice plantations on soils contaminated with risk elements.) 2011, 1 - 9.
Vohník M. 2010: Zelení dříči a pobledlí podvodníci-rostliny, mykoheterotrofie a mixotrofie. (Plants, mycoheterotrophy and mixotrophy.) Živa 58, 207 - 208.
Kubásek J. & Vohník M. 2009: Vyživují dospělé rostliny své semenáčky s pomocí hub? (Is there a nutrient transport from adult trees to their seedlings?) Vesmír 2009, 774 - 775.
Vohník M., Burdíková Z., Albrechtová J. & Vosátka M. 2009: Testate Amoebae (Arcellinida & Euglyphida) vs. ericoid mycorrhizal and DSE fungi: a possible novel interaction in the mycorrhizosphere of ericaceous plants? Microbial Ecology 57, 203 - 214. doi:10.1007/s00248-008-9402-y
Selosse M. A., Vohník M. & Chauvet E. 2008: Out of the rivers: are some aquatic hyphomycetes plant endophytes? New Phytologist 178, 3 - 7.
Vohník M. 2008: Wood Wide Web - rostliny na síti. (Wood Wide Web - Plants on the Web.) Živa 56, 199 - 201.
Vohník M., Albrechtová J. & Vosátka M. 2008: The application of inocula based on ericoid mycorrhizal, DSE and saprotrophic fungi in conventional, semi-conventional, semi-organic and organic cultivation of highbush blueberries. In: Feldmann F., Kapulnik Y. & Baar J. (eds.) Mycorrhiza Works. Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, 173 - 185.
Vohník M., Fendrych M., Albrechtová J. & Vosátka M. 2007: Intracellular colonization of Rhododendron and Vaccinium roots by Cenococcum geophilum, Geomyces pannorum and Meliniomyces variabilis. Folia Microbiologica 52, 407 - 414.
Vosátka M., Rydlová J., Sudová R. & Vohník M. 2006: Mycorrhizal fungi as helping agents in phytoremediation of degraded and contaminated soils. In: FOCUS on Biotechnology, Vol. 9A, Phytoremediation and Rhizoremediation 9A, 237 - 257.
Vohník M., Albrechtová J. & Vosátka M. 2005: The inoculation with Oidiodendron maius and Phialocephala fortinii alters phosphorus and nitrogen uptake, foliar C:N ratio and root biomass distribution in Rhododendron cv. Azurro. Symbiosis 40, 87 - 96.
2003: Vohník, M. - Lukančic, S. - Bahor, E. - Regvar, M. - Vosátka, M. - Vodnik, D. Inoculation of Rhododendron cv. Belle-Heller with two strains of Phialocephala fortini in two different substrates. Folia Geobotanica, 38, 191-200 (2003)..