


Lipánová V., Nunvářová Kabátová K., Zeisek V., Kolář F. & Chrtek J. 2023: Evolution of the Sabulina verna group (Caryophyllaceae) in Europe: A deep split, followed by secondary contacts, multiple allopolyploidization and colonization of challenging substrates. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 189, 1 - 16. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107940
Konečná V., Šustr M., Požárová D., Čertner M., Krejčová A., Tylová E. & Kolář F. 2022: Genomic basis and phenotypic manifestation of (non-)parallel serpentine adaptation in Arabidopsis arenosa. Evolution 76, 2315 - 2331.
Wos G., Arc E., Huelber K., Konečná V., Knotek A., Požárová D., Bertel C., Kaplenig D., Mandáková T., Neuner G., Schönswetter P., Kranner I. & Kolář F. 2022: Parallel local adaptation to an alpine environment in Arabidopsis arenosa. Journal of Ecology 110, 2448 - 2461.
Bohutínská M., Vlček J., Yair S., Laenen B., Konečná V., Fracassetti M., Slotte T. & Kolář F. 2021: Genomic basis of parallel adaptation varies with divergence in Arabidopsis and its relatives. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 118, 1 - 10. doi:10.1073/pnas.2022713118
Konečná V., Bray S., Vlček J., Bohutínská M., Požárová D., Choudhury R. R., Bollmann-Giolai A., Flis P., Salt D. E., Parisod C., Yant L. & Kolář F. 2021: Parallel adaptation in autopolyploid Arabidopsis arenosa is dominated by repeated recruitment of shared alleles. Nature Communications 12, 1 - 13. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-25256-5
Knotek A., Konečná V., Wos G., Požárová D., Šrámková G., Bohutínská M., Zeisek V., Marhold K. & Kolář F. 2020: Parallel alpine differentiation in arabidopsis arenosa. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 1 - 12. doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.561526
Konečná V., Yant L. & Kolář F. 2020: The evolutionary genomics of serpentine adaptation. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 1 - 10. doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.574616
Konečná V., Nowak M. D. & Kolář F. 2019: Parallel colonization of subalpine habitats in the central European mountains by Primula elatior. Scientific Reports 9, 1 - 12. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-39669-2