Pyšek P., Kaplan Z. & Richardson D. M. 2006: Ecological studies dedicated to Marcel Rejmánek. In: Preslia 78: 361–516. 78, 361 - 516. |
Pyšek P. & Richardson D.M. 2006: The biogeography of naturalization in alien plants. Journal of Biogeography 33, 2040 - 2050. |
Pyšek P., Richardson D. M. & Jarošík V. 2006: Who cites who in the invasion zoo: insights from an analysis of the most highly cited papers in invasion ecology. Preslia 78, 437 - 468. |
Richardson D. M. & Pyšek P. 2006: Plant invasions: Merging the concepts of species invasiveness and community invasibility. Progress in Physical Geography 30, 409 - 431. |
Davis M. A., Pergl J., Truscott A., Kollmann J., Bakker J. P., Domenech R., Prach K., Prieur-Richard A., Veeneklaas R. M., Pyšek P., del Moral R., Hobbs R. J., Collins S. L., Pickett S. T. A. & Reich P. B. 2005: Vegetation change: a reunifying concept in plant ecology. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 7, 69 - 76. |
Chytrý M., Pyšek P., Tichý L., Knollová I. & Danihelka J. 2005: Invasions by alien plants in the Czech Republic: a quantitative assessment across habitats. Preslia 77, 339 - 354. |
Krinke L., Moravcová L., Pyšek P., Jarošík V., Pergl J. & Perglová I. 2005: Seed bank of an invasive alien, Heracleum mantegazzianum, and its seasonal dynamics. Seed Science Research 15, 239 - 248. |
Mandák B., Bímová K., Pyšek P., Štěpánek J. & Plačková I. 2005: Isoenzyme diversity in Reynoutria taxa: escape from sterility by hybridization. 253, 219 - 230. |
Mandák B. & Pyšek P. 2005: How does seed heteromorphism influence the life history stages of Atriplex sagittata (Chenopodiaceae)? Flora 200, 516 - 526. |
Moravcová L., Perglová I., Pyšek P., Jarošík V. & Pergl J. 2005: Effects of fruit position on fruit mass and seed germination in the alien species Heracleum mantegazzianum (Apiaceae) and the implications for its invasion. Acta Oecologica 28, 1 - 10. |
Müllerová J., Pyšek P., Jarošík V. & Pergl J. 2005: Aerial photographs as a tool for assessing the regional dynamics of the invasive plant species Heracleum mantegazzianum. Journal of Applied Ecology 42, 1042 - 1053. |
Nielsen C., Ravn H. P., Cock M., Nentwig W. (eds.), Booy O., Eckstein L., Hansen S. E., Hattendorf J., Hüls J., Jahodová Š., Krinke L., Moravcová L., Müllerová J., Otte A., Pergl J., Perglová I., Priekule I., Pyšek P., Thiele J., Treikale O., Trybush S., Vanaga I. & Wittenberg R. 2005: The giant hogweed best practice manual. Guidelines for the management and control of an invasive alien weed in Europe. Forest and Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, Denmark, 1 - 44. |
Pergl J., Perglová I. & Pyšek P. 2005: Věková struktura populací Heracleum mantegazzianum zjišovaná pomocí herbochronologie. (Age structure of Heracleum mantegazzianum populations assessed by using herb-chronology.) Zprávy Čes. Bot. Společ., Praha, 40, Mater. 20, 121 - 126. |
Pyšek P. 2005: Survival rates in the Czech Republic of introduced plants known as wool aliens. Biological Invasions 7, 567 - 576. |
Pyšek P. 2005: Zavlečené a invazní druhy jako ukazatele změn biodiverzity. (Alien and invasive species as indicators of biodiversity changes.) In: Vačkář D. (ed.), Ukazatele změn biodiverzity, p. 129–146, Academia, Praha., 129 - 146. |
Pyšek P. & Hulme P. E. 2005: Spatio-temporal dynamics of plant invasions: Linking pattern to process. Ecoscience 12, 302 - 315. |
Pyšek P. & Jarošík V. 2005: Residence time determines the distribution of alien plants. In: Inderjit (ed.), Invasive plants: ecological and agricultural aspects, Birkhäuser Verlag-AG, Basel., 77 - 96. |
Pyšek P., Jarošík V., Chytrý M., Kropáč Z., Tichý L. & Wild. J. 2005: Alien plants in temperate weed communities: Prehistoric and recent invaders occupy different habitats. Ecology 86, 772 - 785. |
Pyšek P., Jarošík V., Kropáč Z., Chytrý M., Wild J. & Tichý L. 2005: Effect of abiotic factors on species richness and cover in Central European weed communities. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 109, 1 - 8. |
Settele J., Hammen V., Hulme P., Karlson U., Klotz S., Kotarac M., Kunin W., Marion G., O’Connor M., Petanidou T., Peterson K., Potts S., Pritchard H., Pyšek P., Rounsevell M., Spangenberg J., Steffan-Dewenter I., Sykes M., Vighi M., Zobel M. & Kühn I. 2005: ALARM: Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods: The concept, objectives, structure and management of a large Integrated Project within the 6th framework programme of the European Commission. 14, 69 - 72. |