Pyšek P., Klimešová J. & Kaplan Z. 2011: Current topics in clonal plants research. Pyšek P., Klimešová J. & Kaplan Z. (eds): Current topics in clonal plants research. - Preslia 83, Czech Botanical Society, Praha 83, 275 - 512. |
Pyšek P., Pergl J. & Jarošík V. 2011: Alien plants introduced by different pathways differ in invasion success: unintentional introductions as a threat to natural areas. PLoS One 6, 1 - 11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024890 |
Richardson D. M., Pyšek P. & Carlton J. T. 2011: A compendium of essential concepts and terminology in biological invasions. In: Richardson D. M. (ed.) Fifty years of invasion ecology: the legacy of Charles Elton, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 409 - 420. |
Seastedt T. S. & Pyšek P. 2011: Mechanisms of plant invasions of North American and European grasslands. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics 42, 133 - 153. doi:10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102710-145057 |
Simberloff D., Alexander J., Allendorf F., Aronson J., Antunes P. M., Bacher S., Bardgett R., Bertolino S., Bishop M., Blackburn T. M., Blakeslee A., Blumenthal D., Bortolus A., Buckley R., Buckley Y., Byers J., Callaway R. M., Campbell F., Campbell K., Campbell M., Carlton J. T., Cassey P., Catford J., Celesti-Grapow L., Chapman J., Clark P., Clewell A., Clode J. C., Chang A., Chytrý M., Clout M., Cohen A., Cowan P., Cowie R. H., Crall A. W., Crooks J., Deveney M., Dixon K., Dobbs F. C., Duffy D. C., Duncan R., Ehrlich P. R., Eldredge L., Evenhuis N., Fausch K. D., Feldhaar H., Firn J., Fowler A., Galil B., Garcia-Berthou E., Geller J., Genovesi P., Gerber E., Gherardi F., Gollasch S., Gordon D., Graham J., Gribben P., Griffen B., Grosholz E. D., Hewitt C., Hierro J. L., Hulme P., Hutchings P., Jarošík V., Johnson C., Johnson L., Johnston E. L., Jones C. G., Keller R., King C. M., Knols B. G. J., Kollmann J., Kompas T., Kotanen P. M., Kowarik I., Kumschick S., Leung B., Liebhold A., MacIsaac H., Mack R., McCullough D. G., McDonald R., Merritt D. M., Meyerson L., Minchin D., Mooney H. A., Morisette J. T., Moyle P., Müller-Schärer H., Murray B. R., Nehring S., Nelson W., Nentwig W., Novak S. J., Occhipinti A., Ojaveer H., Osborne B., Ostfeld R. S., Parker J., Pederson J., Pergl J., Phillips M. L., Pyšek P., Rejmánek M., Ricciardi A., Ricotta C., Richardson D., Rilov G., Ritchie E., Robertson P. A., Roman J., Ruiz G., Schaefer H., Schaffelke B., Schierenbeck K. A., Schmitz D. C., Schwindt E., Seeb J., Smith L. D., Smith G. F., Stohlgren T., Strayer D. L., Strong D., Sutherland W. J., Therriault T., Thuiller W., Torchin M., van der Putten V., Vila M., Von Holle B., Wallentinus I., Wardle D., Williamson M., Wilson J., Winter M., Wolfe L. M., Wright J., Wonham M. & Zabin C. 2011: Non-natives: 141 scientists object. Nature 475, 36 - 36. |
Simberloff D., Genovesi P., Pyšek P. & Campbell K. 2011: Recognizing conservation success. Science 332, 419 - 419. |
Skálová H., Moravcová L. & Pyšek P. 2011: Germination dynamics and seedling frost resistance of invasive and native Impatiens species reflect local climatic conditions. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 13, 173 - 180. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2011.03.005 |
Stohlgren T. J., Pyšek P., Kartesz J., Nishino M., Pauchard A., Winter M., Pino J., Richardson D. M., Wilson J. R. U., Murray B. R., Phillips M. L., Ming-yang L., Celesti-Grapow L. & Font X. 2011: Widespread plant species: natives versus aliens in our changing world. Biological Invasions 13, 1931 - 1944. doi:10.1007/s10530-011-0024-9 |
Vila M., Espinar J. L., Hejda M., Hulme P. E., Jarošík V., Maron J. L., Pergl J., Schaffner U., Sun Y. & Pyšek P. 2011: Ecological impacts of invasive alien plants: a meta-analysis of their effects on species, communities and ecosystems. Ecology Letters 14, 702 - 708. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01628.x |
Foxcroft L. C., Jarošík V., Pyšek P., Richardson D. M. & Rouget M. 2010: Protected-area boundaries as filters of plant invasions. Conservation Biology 25, 400 - 405. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01617.x |
Foxcroft L. C., Richardson D. M., Rejmánek M. & Pyšek P. 2010: Alien plant invasions in tropical and sub-tropical savannas: patterns, processes and prospects. Biological Invasions 12, 3913 - 3933. doi:10.1007/s10530-010-9823-7 |
Gassó N., Pyšek P., Vilà M. & Williamson M. 2010: Spreading to a limit: the time required for a neophyte to reach its maximum range. Diversity and Distributions 16, 310 - 311. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2010.00647.x |
Gordon D. R., Mitterdorfer B., Pheloung P., Ansari S., Buddenhagen C., Chimera C., Daehler C. C., Dawson W., Denslow J. S., LaRosa A., Nishida T., Onderdonk D. A., Panetta F. D., Pyšek P., Randall R. P., Richardson D. M., Tshidada N. J., Virtue J. G. & Williams P. A. 2010: Guidance for addressing the Australian Weed Risk Assessment questions. Plant Protection Quarterly 25, 56 - 74. |
Hulme P. E., Nentwig W., Pyšek P. & Vila M. 2010: DAISIE: Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe. In: Settele J., Penev L., Georgiev T., Grabaum R., Grobelnik V., Hammen V., Klotz S., Kotarac M. & Kühn I. (eds), Atlas of biodiversity risk, p. 134-135, Pensoft, Sofia & Moscow., 134 - 135. |
Hulme P. E., Nentwig W., Pyšek P. & Vila M. 2010: How to deal with invasive species? A proposal for Europe. In: Settele J., Penev L., Georgiev T., Grabaum R., Grobelnik V., Hammen V., Klotz S., Kotarac M. & Kühn I. (eds), Atlas of biodiversity risk, p. 165-166, Pensoft, Sofia & Moscow., 165 - 166. |
Hulme P. E., Vila M., Nentwig W. & Pyšek P. 2010: Are the aliens taking over? Invasive species and their increasing impact on biodiversity. In: Settele J., Penev L., Georgiev T., Grabaum R., Grobelnik V., Hammen V., Klotz S., Kotarac M. & Kühn I. (eds), Atlas of biodiversity risk, p. 132-133, Pensoft, Sofia & Moscow., 132 - 133. |
Kubešová M., Moravcová L., Suda J., Jarošík V. & Pyšek P. 2010: Naturalized plants have smaller genomes than their non-invading relatives: a flow cytometric analysis of the Czech alien flora. Preslia 82, 81 - 96. |
Mitchell C. E., Blumenthal D., Jarošík V., Puckett E. E. & Pyšek P. 2010: Controls on pathogen species richness in plants’ introduced and native ranges: roles of residence time, range size and host traits. Ecology Letters 13, 1525 - 1535. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01543.x |
Moravcová L., Pyšek P., Jarošík V., Havlíčková V. & Zákravský P. 2010: Reproductive characteristics of neophytes in the Czech Republic: traits of invasive and non-invasive species. Preslia 82, 365 - 390. |
Pergl J. & Pyšek P. 2010: Invazní nepůvodní druhy. (Invasive alien species.) In: Zedek V., Hošek M., Vavřinová J. & Sukeníková K. (eds) Zpráva o naplňování Cíle 2010 v ochraně biodiverzity v ČR, Ministerstvo životního prostředí ČR, Praha, 36 - 40. |