Freschet G. T., Roumet C., Comas L. H., Weemstra M., Bengough A. G., Rewald B., Bardgett R. D., de Deyn G. B., Johnson D., Klimešová J., Lukac M., McCormack M. L., Meier I. C., Pagès L., Poorter H., Prieto I., Wurzburger N., Zadworny M., Bagniewska-Zadworna A., Blancaflor E. B., Brunner I., Gessler A., Hobbie S. E., Iversen C. M., Mommer L., Picon-Cochard C., Postma J. A., Rose L., Ryser P., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Soudzilovskaia N. A., Sun T., Valverde-Barrantes O. J., Weigelt A., York L. M. & Stokes A. 2021: Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs. New Phytologist 232, 1123 - 1158. doi:10.1111/nph.17072 |
Hiiesalu I., Klimešová J., Doležal J., Mudrák O., Götzenberger L., Horník J. & de Bello F. 2021: Hidden below‐ground plant diversity buffers against species loss during land‐use change in species‐rich grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 32, 1 - 12. doi:10.1111/jvs.12971 |
Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Kaplan Z., Wild J., Holubová D., Novotný P., Řezníčková M., Rohn M., Dřevojan P., Grulich V., Klimešová J., Lepš J., Lososová Z., Pergl J., Sádlo J., Šmarda P., Štěpánková P., Tichý L., Axmanová I., Bartušková A., Blažek P., Chrtek J. Jr., Fischer F. M., Guo W.-Y., Herben T., Janovský Z., Konečná M., Kühn I., Moravcová L., Petřík P., Pierce S., Prach K., Prokešová H., Štech M., Těšitel J., Těšitelová T., Večeřa M., Zelený D. & Pyšek P. 2021: Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation. Preslia 93, 1 - 87. doi:10.23855/preslia.2021.001 |
Klimešová J. 2021: An integrated plant architecture: roots, shoots, and everything in between. Annual Plant Reviews Online 4, 529 - 550. doi:10.1002/9781119312994.apr0753 |
Klimešová J., Mudrák O., Martínková J., Lisner A., Lepš J., Filartiga A. L. & Ottaviani G. 2021: Are belowground clonal traits good predictors of ecosystem functioning in temperate grasslands? Functional Ecology 35, 787 - 795. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13755 |
Klimešová J., Ottaviani G., Charles-Dominique T., Campetella G., Canullo R., Chelli S., Janovský Z., Lubbe F. C., Martínková J. & Herben T. 2021: Incorporating clonality into the plant ecology research agenda. Trends in Plant Science 26, 1236 - 1247. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2021.07.019 |
Lisner A., Ottaviani G., Klimešová J., Mudrák O., Martínková J. & Lepš J. 2021: The species richness–productivity relationship varies among regions and productivity estimates, but not with spatial resolution. Oikos 130, 1704 - 1714. doi:10.1111/oik.08306 |
Lubbe F. C., Bitomský M., Hájek T., de Bello F., Doležal J., Jandová V., Janeček Š., Bartušková A., Lanta V. & Klimešová J. 2021: A tale of two grasslands: how belowground storage organs coordinate their traits with water-use traits. Plant and Soil 465, 533 - 548. doi:10.1007/s11104-021-05031-7 |
Lubbe F. C., Klimeš A., Doležal J., Jandová V., Mudrák O., Janeček Š., Bartušková A. & Klimešová J. 2021: Carbohydrate storage in herbs: the forgotten functional dimension of the plant economic spectrum. Annals of Botany 127, 813 - 825. doi:10.1093/aob/mcab014 |
Lubbe F. C., Klimešová J. & Henry H. 2021: Winter belowground: Changing winters and the perennating organs of herbaceous plants. Functional Ecology 35, 1627 - 1639. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13858 |
Martínková J., Hájek T., Adamec L. & Klimešová J. 2021: Growth, root respiration and photosynthesis of a root-sprouting short-lived herb after severe biomass removal. Flora 284, 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.flora.2021.151915 |
Martínková J., Klimeš A. & Klimešová J. 2021: Effect of nutrient and light stress on the mortality and growth of young clonal and non-clonal herbs after biomass removal. Folia Geobotanica 56, 99 - 108. doi:10.1007/s12224-021-09395-7 |
Ottaviani G., Lubbe F. C., Lepš J., Lisner A., Martínková J., Mudrák O. & Klimešová J. 2021: Strong impact of management regimes on rhizome biomass across Central European temperate grasslands. Ecological Applications 31, 1 - 5. doi:10.1002/eap.2317 |
Qian J., Wang Z., Klimešová J., Lü X. & Zhang C. 2021: Belowground bud bank and its relationship with aboveground vegetation under watering and nitrogen addition in temperate semiarid steppe. Ecological Indicators 125, 1 - 6. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107520 |
Schnablová R., Huang L., Klimešová J., Šmarda P. & Herben T. 2021: Inflorescence preformation prior to winter: a surprisingly widespread strategy that drives phenology of temperate perennial herbs. New Phytologist 229, 620 - 630. doi:10.1111/nph.16880 |
Šimek M., Elhottová D., Chroňáková A., Kaštovská E. & Klimešová J. 2021: Živá půda 8. Interakce půdních organismů a rostlin. (Living soil 8. Interactions between soil organisms and plants.) Živa 69, 125 - 131. |
Doležal J., Kurnotová M., Šťastná P. & Klimešová J. 2020: Alpine plant growth and reproduction dynamics in a warmer world. New Phytologist 228, 1295 - 1305. doi:10.1111/nph.16790 |
Goldberg D. E., Batzer E., Elgersma K., Martina J. & Klimešová J. 2020: Allocation to clonal growth: critical questions and protocols to answer them. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 43, 1 - 7. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2020.125511 |
Herben T. & Klimešová J. 2020: Evolution of clonal growth forms in angiosperms. New Phytologist 225, 999 - 1010. doi:10.1111/nph.16188 |
Kattge J., Bönisch G., Díaz S., Lavorel S., Prentice I. C., Leadley P., Tautenhahn S., Werner G. D. A. & al. 2020: TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26, 119 - 188. doi:10.1111/gcb.14904 |