Chondol T., Klimeš A., Altman J., Čapková K., Dvorský M., Hiiesalu I., Jandová V., Kopecký M., Macek M., Řeháková K., Liancourt P. & Doležal J. 2023: Habitat preferences and functional traits drive longevity in Himalayan high-mountain plants. Oikos 2023, 1 - 15. doi:10.1111/oik.10073 |
Korznikov K., Kislov D., Doležal J. & Altman J. 2023: Poleward migration of tropical cyclones induced severe disturbance of boreal forest above 50°. Science of the Total Environment 890, 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164376 |
Korznikov K., Kislov D., Petrenko T., Dzizyurova V., Doležal J., Krestov P. & Altman J. 2023: Unveiling the Potential of Drone-Borne Optical Imagery in Forest Ecology: A Study on the Recognition and Mapping of Two Evergreen Coniferous Species. Remote Sensing 15, 1 - 16. doi:10.3390/rs15184394 |
Pompa-García M., Altman J., Paéz-Meráz D. S. & Martínez Rivas J. A. 2023: Spatiotemporal Variability in Disturbance Frequency and Severity across Mexico: Evidence from Conifer Tree Rings. Forests 14, 1 - 21. doi:10.3390/f14050900 |
Rai S., Altman J., Kopecký M., Sohar K., Fibich P., Pejcha V. & Doležal J. 2023: Contrasting impacts of climate warming on Himalayan Hemlock growth: Seasonal and elevational variations. Dendrochronologia 82, 1 - 9. doi:10.1016/j.dendro.2023.126144 |
Tumajer J., Altman J. & Lehejček J. 2023: Linkage between growth phenology and climate-growth responses along landscape gradients in boreal forests. Science of the Total Environment 905, 1 - 12. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167153 |
Černý, T., Doležal, J., Petřík, P., Šrůtek, M., Song, J.-S. & Altman, J. 2022: Tropical Cyclone Disturbances Induce Contrasting Impacts on Forest Structure, Plant Composition, and Soil Properties in Temperate Broadleaf and Coniferous Forests. Forests 13, 1 - 19. doi:10.3390/f13071033 |
Doležal J., Altman J., Jandová V., Chytrý M., Conti L., Méndez-Castro F. E., Klimešová J., Zelený D. & Ottaviani G. 2022: Climate warming and extended droughts drive establishment and growth dynamics in temperate grassland plants. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 313, 1 - 9. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108762 |
Doležal, J., Dančák, M., Kučera, J., Majeský, L., Altman, J., Řeháková, K., Čapková, K., Vondrák, J., Fibich, P. & Liancourt, P. 2022: Fire, climate and biotic interactions shape diversity patterns along an Afrotropical elevation gradient. Journal of Biogeography 49, 1248 - 1259. doi:10.1111/jbi.14378 |
Filartiga A.L., Klimeš A., Altman J., Nobis M.P., Crivellaro A., Schweingruber F. & Doležal J. 2022: Comparative anatomy of leaf petioles in temperate trees and shrubs: the role of plant size, environment and phylogeny. Annals of Botany 129, 567 - 582. doi:10.1093/aob/mcac014 |
Graco-Roza C., Aarnio S., Abrego N., Acosta A. T. R., Alahuhta J., Altman J., Angiolin, C., Aroviita J., Attorre F., Baastrup-Spohr L., Barrera-Alba J. J., Belmaker J., Biurrun I., Bonari G., Bruelheide H., Burrascano S., Carboni M., Cardoso P., Carvalho J. C., Castaldelli G., Christensen M., Correa G., Dembicz I., Dengler J., Doležal J., ... & Soininen, J 2022: Distance decay 2.0 – A global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31, 1399 - 1421. doi:10.1111/geb.13513 |
Chlumská Z., Liancourt P., Hartmann H., Bartoš M., Altman J., Dvorský M., Hubáček T., Borovec J., Čapková K., Kotilínek M. & Doležal J. 2022: Species- and compound-specific dynamics of nonstructural carbohydrates toward the world's upper distribution of vascular plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 201, 1 - 11. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2022.104985 |
Korznikov, K., Kislov, D., Doležal, J., Petrenko, T. & Altman, J. 2022: Tropical cyclones moving into boreal forests: Relationships between disturbance areas and environmental drivers. Science of the Total Environment 844, 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156931 |
Lanta V., Liancourt P., Altman J., Černý T., Dvorský M., Fibich P., Götzenberger L., Hornych O., Miklín J., Petřík P., Pyšek P., Čížek L. & Doležal J. 2022: Determinants of invasion by single versus multiple plant species in temperate lowland forests. Biological Invasions 24, 2513 - 2528. doi:10.1007/s10530-022-02793-8 |
Lembrechts J. J. & al. (incl. Kopecký M., Altman J., Brůna J., Doležal J., Hederová L., Kašpar V., Macek M., Man M., Petit Bon M., Wild J.) 2022: Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28, 3110 - 3144. doi:10.1111/gcb.16060 |
Liang J., Gamarra J. G. P., Picar, N., Zhou M., Pijanowski B., Jacobs D. F., Reich P. B., Crowther T. W., Nabuurs G.-J., de-Miguel S., Fan, J., Woodall C. W., Svenning J.-C., Jucker T., Bastin J.-F., Wiser S. K., Slik F., Hérault B., Alberti G., Keppel G., Hengeveld G. M., Ibisch P. L., Silva C. A., Ter Steege H., Peri, P. L., Coomes D. A., Searle E. B., von Gadow K., Jaroszewicz B., Abbasi A. O., Altman J., Cienciala E., Delabye S., Doležal J., Fayle T. M., Maicher V., Tropek R. & Hui C. 2022: Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6, 1423 - 1437. doi:10.1038/s41559-022-01831-x |
Ottaviani G., Méndez-Castro F. E., Conti L., Zelený D., Chytrý M., Doležal J., Jandová V., Altman J. & Klimešová J. 2022: Sticking around: Plant persistence strategies on edaphic islands. Diversity and Distributions 28, 1850 - 1862. doi:10.1111/ddi.13586 |
Řeháková K., Čapková K, Altman J., Dančák M., Majeský L. & Doležal J. 2022: Contrasting Patterns of Soil Chemistry and Vegetation Cover Determine Diversity Changes of Soil Phototrophs Along an Afrotropical Elevation Gradient. Ecosystems 25, 1020 - 1036. doi:10.1007/s10021-021-00698-6 |
Altman J., Saurer M., Doležal J., Maredová N., Song J.-S., Ho C.-H. & Treydte K. 2021: Large volcanic eruptions reduce landfalling tropical cyclone activity: Evidence from tree rings. Science of the Total Environment 775, 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145899 |
Carter D. R., Bialecki M. B., Windmuller-Campione M., Seymour R. S., Weiskittel A. & Altman J. 2021: Detecting growth releases of mature retention trees in response to small-scale gap disturbances of known dates in natural-disturbance-based silvicultural systems in Maine. Forest Ecology and Management 502, 1 - 11. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119721 |