


Moradi J., Mudrák O., Kukla J., Vicentini F., Šimáčková H. & Frouz J. 2017: Variations in soil chemical properties, microbial biomass, and faunal populations as related to plant functional traits, patch types, and successional stages at Sokolov post-mining site - A case study. European Journal of Soil Biology 83, 58 - 64.
Mudrák O., Fajmon K., Jongepierová I. & Doležal J. 2017: Restoring species-rich meadow by means of turf transplantation: long-term colonization of ex-arable land. Applied Vegetation Science 20, 62 - 73. doi:10.1111/avsc.12281
Velbert F., Kleinebecker T., Mudrák O., Schwartze P. & Hölzel N. 2017: Time lags in functional response to management regimes – evidence from a 26-year field experiment in wet meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 28, 313 - 324. doi:10.1111/jvs.12497
de Bello F., Fibich P., Zelený D., Kopecký M., Mudrák O., Chytrý M., Pyšek P., Wild J., Michalcová D., Sádlo J., Šmilauer P., Lepš J. & Pärtel M. 2016: Measuring size and composition of species pools: a comparison of dark diversity estimates. Ecology and Evolution 6, 4088 - 4101. doi:10.1002/ece3.2169
Doležal J., Dvorsky M., Kopecký M., Liancourt P., Hiiesalu I., Macek M., Altman J., Chlumská Z., Rehakova K., Čapková K., Borovec J., Mudrak O., Wild J. & Schweingruber F. 2016: Vegetation dynamics at the upper elevational limit of vascular plants in Himalaya. Scientific Reports 6, 1 - 13. doi:10.1038/srep24881
Frouz J., Toyota A., Mudrák O., Jílková V., Filipová A. & Cajthaml T. 2016: Effects of soil substrate quality, microbial diversity and community composition on the plant community during primary succession. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 99, 75 - 84. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.04.024
Májeková M., Janeček Š., Mudrák O., Horník J., Janečková P., Bartoš M., Fajmon K., Jiráská Š., Götzenberger L., Šmilauer P., Lepš J. & de Bello F. 2016: Consistent functional response of meadow species and communities to land-use changes across productivity and soilmoisture gradients. Applied Vegetation Science 19, 196 - 205. doi:10.1111/avsc.12223
Mudrák O., de Bello F., Doležal J. & Lepš J. 2016: Changes in the functional trait composition and diversity of meadow communities induced by Rhinanthus minor L. Folia Geobotanica 51, 1 - 11. doi:10.1007/s12224-016-9238-z
Mudrák O., Doležal J. & Frouz J. 2016: Initial species composition predicts the progress in the spontaneous succession on post-mining sites. Ecological Engineering 95, 665 - 670. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.07.002
Mudrák O., Hermová M., Tesnerová C., Rydlová J. & Frouz J. 2016: Above-ground and below-ground competition between the willow Salix caprea L. and its understorey. Journal of Vegetation Science 27, 156 - 164. doi:10.1111/jvs.12330
Mudrák O., Janeček Š., Götzenberger L., Mason N. W. H., Horník J., de Castro I., Doležal J., Klimešová J. & de Bello F. 2016: Fine-scale coexistence patterns along a productivity gradient in wet meadows: shifts from trait convergence to divergence. Ecography 39, 338 - 348. doi:10.1111/ecog.01723
Jílková V., Frouz J., Mudrák O. & Vohník M. 2015: Effects of nutrient-rich substrate and ectomycorrhizal symbiosis on spruce seedling biomass in abandoned nests of the wood ant (Formica polyctena): a laboratory experiment. Geoderma 259–260, 56 - 61. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.05.007
Mudrák O., Mládek J., Blažek P., Lepš J., Doležal J., Nekvapilová & Těšitel J. 2014: Establishment of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus spp. in grassland restoration: lessons learned from sowing experiments. Applied Vegetation Science 17, 274 - 287. doi:10.1111/avsc.12073
Prach K., Řehounková K., Lencová K., Jírová A., Konvalinková P., Mudrák O., Študent V., Vaněček Z., Tichý L., Petřík P., Šmilauer P. & Pyšek P. 2014: Vegetation succession in restoration of disturbed sites in Central Europe: the direction of succession and species richness across 19 seres. Applied Vegetation Science 17, 193 - 200. doi:10.1111/avsc.12064
de Bello F. & Mudrak O. 2013: Plant traits as indicators: loss or gain of information? Applied Vegetation Science 16, 353 - 354. doi:10.1111/avsc.12035
Janeček Š., de Bello F., Horník J., Bartoš M., Černý T., Doležal J., Dvorský M., Fajmon K., Janečková P., Jiráská Š., Mudrák O. & Klimešová J. 2013: Effects of land-use changes on plant functional and taxonomic diversity along a productivity gradient in wet meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 24, 898 - 909. doi:10.1111/jvs.12012
Klimeš L., Hájek M., Mudrák O., Dančák M., Preislerová Z., Hájková P., Jongepierová I. & Klimešová J. 2013: Effects of changes in management on resistance and resilience in three grassland communities. Applied Vegetation Science 16, 640 - 649.
Klimešová J., Mudrák O., Doležal J., Hájek M., Dančák M. & Klimeš L. 2013: Functional traits in a species-rich grassland and a short-term change in management: Is there a competition-colonisation trade-off? Folia Geobotanica 48, 373 - 391. doi:10.1007/s12224-013-9176-y
Mudrák O., Doležal J., Hájek M., Dančák M., Klimeš L. & Klimešová J. 2013: Plant seedlings in a species-rich meadow: effect of management, vegetation type and functional traits. Applied Vegetation Science 16, 286 - 295. doi:10.1111/avsc.12001
Prach K., Lencová K., Řehounková K., Dvořáková H. , Jírová A., Konvalinková P., Mudrák O., Novák J. & Trnková R. 2013: Spontaneous vegetation succession at different central European mining sites: a comparison across seres. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 7680 - 7685. doi:10.1007/s11356-013-1563-7