Barták, M., Prošek, P., Elster, J., Gloser, J., Láska, K., Hájek, J., Bohuslavová, O. & Marvánek, O. 2008: Czech research activities and ecosystem studies performed in the Northern part of the James Ross Island, Antarctica. The Second International Symposium on Polar Scientific Research ESF Workshop, Publishing House of Romanian Antarctic Foundation,ISSN 1843-469x, 47 - 48. |
Elster J., Degma P., Kováčik L., Valentová L., Šramková K. & Pereira A.B. 2008: Freezing and desiccation injury resistance in the filamentous green alga klebsormidium fromthe Antarctic, Arctic and Slovakia. Biologia 63, 843 - 851. |
Elster J., Lukavský J., Harding K., Benson E.E. & Day J. 2008: Deployment of the encapsulation/dehydration protocol to cryopreserve polar microalgae held at the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany. Cryoletters 29, 27 - 28. |
González-Toril E., Amils R., Delmas R.J., Petit J.-R., Komárek J. & J. Elster 2008: Diversity of bacteria producing pigmented colonies in areosol, snow and soil samples from remote glacial areas (Antarctica, Alps and Andes). Biogeosciences Discussions 5, 1607 - 1630. |
Kňažková, D., Kováčik, L., Elster J. 2008: Porovnanie morfólogie dvou kmeňov kultúr vláknitej zelenej riasy Klebsormidium v podmienkach skrížených gradientov svetla a teploty. (Comparison of 12 filamentous greeen algae genus Klebsormidium under various temperature and light demands.) Študentska vedecká konferencia. Zborník príspevkov., IRIS, Bratislava, 156 - 158. |
Komárek J. & Elster J. 2008: Ecological background of cyanobacterial assemblages of the northern part of James Ross Island, NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polish Polar Research 29, 17 - 32. |
Komárek J., Elster J. & Komárek O. 2008: Diversity of the cyanobacterial microflora of the northern part of James Ross Island, NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 31, 853 - 865. |
Machová K., Elster J. & Adamec L. 2008: Xanthophyceaen assemblages during winter - spring flood: autecology and ecophysiology of Tribonema fonticolum and T. monochloron. Hydrobiologia 600, 155 - 168. |
Comte K., Šabacká M., Carré-Mlouka A., Elster J. & Komárek J. 2007: Relationships between the Arctic and the Antarctic cyanobacteria; three Phormidium-like strains evaluated by polyphasic approach. 59, 366 - 376. |
Day J. G., Lorenz M., Wilding T., Friedl T., Harding K., Pröschold T., Brennan D., Müller J., Santos L. M. A., Santos M. F., Osorio H. C., Amaral R., Lukesova, A., Hrouzek P., Lukes, M., Elster J., Lukavsky J., Probert I., Ryan M. J. & Benson, E. E. 2007: The use of physical and virtual infrastructures for the validation of algal cryopreservation methods in international culture collections. Cryoletters 28, 359 - 376. |
Elster J. 2007: Arktida. Nejrychleji se měnící část naší planety. (Arctic under climate changes.) Vesmír 86(137), 292 - 303. |
Kaštovská K., Stibal M., Šabacká M., Černá B., Šantrůčková H. & Elster J. 2007: Microbial community structure and ecology of subglacial sediments in two polythermal Svalbard glaciers characterized by epifluorescence microscopy and PLFA. Polar Biology 30, 277 - 287. |
Singh, S. M. & Elster, J 2007: Cyanobacteria in Antarctic lake environments: a mini-review. In: J. Seckbach (ed.), Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments, 2007, Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020-6111-0, 303 - 320. |
Stibal M., Elster J., Šabacká M. & Kaštovská K. 2007: Seasonal and diel changes in photosynthetic activity of the snow algae Chlamydomonas nivalis (Chlorophyceae) from Svalbard determined by PAM fluorometry. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 59, 265 - 273. |
Valentová L., Kováčik Ĺ. & Elster J. 2007: Vplyv zmrazovania a vysušovania a stresových faktorov na vláknité riasy rodu Klebsormidium v laboratorných podnmienkach. (Vliv zmrazování, vysušování a stresových faktorů na vláknité zelené řasy rodu Klebsormidium v laboratorních podmínkách.) Študentská vedecka konferencia 1 Zväzok-biologická a environmentálna sekcia, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prirodovedecká fakulta, ISBN 978-80-88870-64-7, vytlačil KARTPRINT, 18.4.2007 Bratislava, 217 - 219. |
Komárek J., Taton A., Sulek J., Wilmotte A., Kaštovská K. & Elster J. 2006: Ultrastructure and taxonomic position of two species of the cyanobacterial genus Schizothrix. 27, 53 - 62. |
Šabatská M. & Elster J. 2006: Response of cyanobacteria and algae from Antarctic wetland habitats to freezing and desiccation stress. Polar Biology 30, 31 - 37. |
Björn L.O., Chapin III F.S., Chernov V.Y., Christensen T.R., Huntley B., Ims R., Johansson M., Riedlinger D.J., Jonasson S., Matveyeva N., Oechel W., Panikov N., Shaver G., Elster J, Henttonen H., Jónsdóttir I.S., Laine K., Schaphoff S., Sitch S., Taulavuori E., Taulavuori K. & Zöckler Ch. 2005: Arctic tundra and polar desert ecosystems. In: Arctic climate impact assessement, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 243 - 353. |
Day J.G., Benson E.E., Harding K., Knowles B., Idowu M., Bremner D., Santos L., Santos F., Friedl T., Lorenz M., Lukesova A., Elster J., Lukavsky J., Herdman M., Rippka R. & Hall T. 2005: Cryopreservation and conservation of microalgae: the development of a pan-european scientific and biotechnological resource (The COBRA project). Cryoletters 26, 231 - 238. |
Kaštovská K., Elster J., Stibal M. & Šantrůčková H. 2005: Microbial assemblages in soil microbial succession after glacial retreat in Svalbard (High Arctic). Microbial Ecology 50, 396 - 407. |