Krahulec F. 2013: Jan Š. Lepš - 60 let. (Jan š. Lepš - 60 yeras.) Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 48, 325 - 335. |
Krahulec F. 2013: K 50. výročí Opera Corcontica. (50 years of Opera Corcontica.) Opera Corcontica 50, 5 - 5. |
Krahulec F. 2013: Vzpomínka na Karla Kopeckého (1933-1998). (In memory of Karel Kopecký (1933-1998).) Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 48, 353 - 354. |
Lepší M., Lepší P. & Vít P. 2013: Sorbus quernea: taxonomic confusion caused by the naturalization of an alien species, Sorbus mougeotii. Preslia 85, 159 - 178. |
Liu B., Opgenoorth L., Miehe G., Zhang D., Wan D., Zhao C., Jia D. & Liu J. 2013: Molecular bases for parallel evolution of translucent bracts in an alpine "glasshouse" plant Rheum alexandrae (Polygonaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51, 134 - 141. doi:10.1111/j.1759-6831.2012.00225.x |
Mahelka V. 2013: O původu a hybridizaci polyploidních pýrů - na stopě netušených předků. (On the origin and hybridization of polyploid wheatgrasses - on the trail of cryptic progenitors.) Živa 61, 149 - 153. |
Mahelka V., Kopecký D. & Baum B. R. 2013: Contrasting patterns of evolution of 45S and 5S rDNA families uncover new aspects in the genome constitution of the agronomically important grass Thinopyrum intermedium (Triticeae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 30, 2065 - 2086. doi:10.1093/molbev/mst106 |
Mandák B., Hadincová V., Mahelka V. & Wildová R. 2013: European invasion of North American Pinus strobus at large and fine scales: high genetic diversity and fine-scale genetic clustering over time in the adventive range. PLoS One 8, 1 - 17. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068514 |
Mavrodiev E. V., Krahulec F., Soltis D. E. & Soltis P. S. 2013: A cryptic taxon rather than a hybrid species of Tragopogon (Asteraceae) from the Czech Republic. Kew Bulletin 68, 133 - 141. doi:10.1007/s12225-012-9431-z |
Ozinga W. A., Colles A., Bartish I. V., Hennion F., Henneken S. M., Pavoine S., Poschlod P., Hermant M., Schaminée J. H. J. & Prinzing A. 2013: Specialists leave fewer descendants within a region than generalists. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22, 213 - 222. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2012.00792.x |
Píšová S., Šumberová K. & Hroudová Z. 2013: Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás. (Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbás.) Zprávy České botanické společnosti 48, 97 - 98. |
Bartish I., Aïnouche A., Jia D., Bergstrom D., Chown S.L., Winkworth R.C. & Hennion F. 2012: Phylogeny and colonization history of Pringlea antiscorbutica (Brassicaceae), an emblematic endemic from the South Indian Ocean Province. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 65, 748 - 756. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.07.023 |
Doudová-Kochánková J., Plačková I., Zákravský P., Flégrová M. & Mandák B. 2012: The importance of phenotypic differentiation and plasticity in the range expansion of the annual Atriplex tatarica (Amaranthaceae). Flora 207, 744 - 752. doi:10.1016/j.flora.2012.08.003 |
Duchoslav M. & Krahulec F. 2012: Rozšíření druhů rodu česnek (Allium) v České republice.V. Druhy sekce Allium (A. sphaerocephalon, A. vineale). (Distribution of Allium species in the Czech Republic. V. Species of sect. Allium (A. sphaerocephalon, A. vineale).) Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 47, 11 - 41. |
Hermant M., Hennion F., Bartish I., Yguel B. & Prinzing A. 2012: Disparate relatives: Life histories vary more in genera occupying intermediate environments. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 14, 283 - 301. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2012.02.001 |
Jia D.R., Abbott R.J., Liu T.L., Mao K.S., Bartish I.V. & Liu J.Q. 2012: Out of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: evidence for the origin and dispersal of Eurasian temperate plants from a phylogeographic study of Hippophae rhamnoides (Elaeagnaceae). New Phytologist 194, 1123 - 1133. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04115.x |
Krahulcová A., Raabe U. & Krahulec F. 2012: Prozesse innerhalb hybridisierender Pilosella-Populationen: P. aurantiaca und P. officinarum in Hagen (Nordrhein-Westfalen). Kochia 6, 123 - 142. |
Krahulec F. 2012: History of the studies on the flora and vegetation in the Czech Republic. Preslia 84, 397 - 426. |
Krahulec F. 2012: Jaromír Klika (1887-1953). Živa 60, 67 - 68. |
Krahulec F. 2012: Karel Domin (1882-1953). (Karel Domin (1882-1953).) Živa 60, 65 - 66. |