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Looking deep into nature

Over 150 researchers at the IB look deep into taxonomy, evolution and ecology of plants and fungi. They seek to better understand the complex relationships in nature to help protect biodiversity and the natural environment. For more information, view our Presentation or explore our Research section.



New Flora and Vegetation of Nepal

Due to the high topographical diversity, Nepal has a very unique flora and vegetation and plant life of Nepal accounts for 20% of the Himalayan biodiversity. New...

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Belowground plant organs and their functional ecology

Special issue of Folia Geobotanica edited by Jitka Klimešová is devoted to belowground plant organs. It presents 7 papers from 4 continents (South America, North America, Asia,...

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Researchers from the Institute of Botany discovered a new type of coexistence between algae and fungi

Researchers from the Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, described the symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae which science has largely overlooked until now. The coexistence...

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Umělecké znázornění krajiny před 400 miliony let, v době kdy rostliny začaly diverzifikovat uspořádání svých vodivých pletiv, zvyšovat svůj celkový vzrůst a šířit se krajinou od zdrojů vody. © Julian Kiely, 2022

Hundred-year-old riddle in botany reveals key plant adaptation to dry land

The green world that we live in would not have been possible without hidden changes to the plant body over the last 400 million years. To grow...

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British Ecological Society Harper Prize 2021 awarded to Dina int Zandt

The John L Harper Early Career Researcher Award is given each year to the best paper in the Journal of Ecologyz by an early career author at...

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