Anatomy, Age and Ecology of High Mountain Plants in Ladakh, the Western Himalaya
A new book by authors from the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and their colleagues providing new insights into the anatomy of high-mountain...
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A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 2/2018
A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published. For contents
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A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 1/2018
Environmental controls of raised-bog vegetation in the Baltic boreo-nemoral zone or Diversity and occurrence of herbaceous communities in West African savannas in relation to climate, land use...
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A database of critically revised data on Czech flora and vegetation has been launched
A database of Czech flora and vegetation prepared by Masaryk University, the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and University of South Bohemia has...
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Ken Thompson and Jitka Klimešová on disturbance frequency, severity and effects on plant traits
At the BES Annual Meeting, Ken Thompson, Editor for Functional Ecology, caught up with Jitka Klimešová from the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and...
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A field guide to the flora of Ladakh by botanists from the Institute of Botany has been published
A field guide to the flora of the semiarid region in the Transhimalaya of Northwest India by authors from the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy...
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Special issue of Folia Geobotanica on the ecology of clonal plants has been published
In the collection of papers in this special issue on the ecology of clonal plants, several papers that explore new ideas that could inspire further research into...
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František Krahulec from IB was awarded the Gregor Johann Mendel Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences
On Thursday, 18 January 2018 the president of the Czech Academy of Sciences Eva Zažímalová presented honorary medals to three distinguished scientists. The Gregor Johann Mendel Honorary...
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Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, ecology, and evolution
A modern synthesis edited by Aaron Ellison, Harvard University, and Lubomír Adamec, Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, has been published by Oxford University...
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Borneo’s forests are a vulnerable tropical carbon sink
Radim Hédl from the Institute of Botany participated in a study elucidating mechanisms of functioning of tropical rainforests in Borneo, acting as atmospheric carbon dioxide sink. The study was published...
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Flora and Vegetation of the Czech Republic – the first comprehensive summary published by Springer
The first comprehensive summary on flora and vegetation of the Czech Republic, edited by botanists from Faculty of Science of the Masaryk University and Institute of Botany...
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Three researchers from the Institute of Botany appear on Highly Cited Researchers List 2017
The Highly Cited Researchers list represents some of the world’s most influential scientific minds. These researchers rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication...
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Stories of the Biological Collections of the CAS in the Průhonice Castle
The exhibition Stories of the Biological Collections of the CAS is held from 14th November 2017 till 11th February 2018 in the Průhonice Castle. It presents some...
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Filip Kolář from Institute of Botany was awarded the Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for young researchers
Filip Kolář from Institute of Botany was awarded the Award of the CAS for young scientific employees for outstanding results of scientific work, achieved with the financial...
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Go belowground!
In the last week of September, ecologists from Institute of Botany in Trebon organized, with financial support from the Czech Academy of Sciences, an international PhD course...
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A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 2/2017
Longitudinal changes in species composition of forests and grasslands across the North Asian forest steppe zone and The role of abiotic and biotic factors in functional structure...
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Péter Szabó from IB elected new President of the European Society for Environmental History
At its 9th Biennial Conference in Zagreb, the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) elected a new Board with Péter Szabó as President. Péter Szabó is an...
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Global hotspots of established alien plants and animals revealed
An international team of researchers, led by Durham University, UK, including two researchers from the Institute of Botany of the CAS, provides the first global analysis of...
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Exhibition Annual rings in Visitor Centre of the Průhonice Park
Exhibition Annual rings has been opened in Visitor Centre of the Průhonice Park. It will be open until 9 July 2017.
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Radim Hédl from the IB with colleagues from Germany and Norway edited a special feature of Applied Vegetation Science on vegetation resurveys
The special feature of Applied Vegetation Science published on March 16 focuses on understanding long-term dynamics of plant communities using resurveys of historical vegetation plots. This increasingly...
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