Nedostatek vláhy může být pro růst horských bylin větším omezením než nízká teplota

33rd Conference of the Plant Population Biology Section of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) postponed

The organisers of PopBio 2020 in Prague announce that they will postpone the annual meeting until next year.

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Special issue of Folia Geobotanica on seed germination

In this special issue of Folia Geobotanica, a series of papers about seed responses to environmental drivers across different vegetation types in North and South America, Europe,...

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Jan Kolář of the Institute of Botany was awarded the Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for young researchers

Jan Kolář of the Institute of Botany was awarded the Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for outstanding results of scientific work, achieved with the financial...

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Go belowground! with ecologists from Třeboň

From 15th to 21st September we organized third course for young scientists „Go belowground!“ introducing traits of belowground storage, regenerative and clonal growth organs of plants, methods...

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Seminar European orchids in the age of extinction

On Thursday 19 September, 11 a.m., the seminar European orchids in the age of extinction – LIFEorchids: a project for their conservation will take place at the...

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Climate action urgently required to protect human health in Europe

New EASAC report "The imperative of climate action to protect human health in Europe" highlights an alarming range of health risks due to climate change and the...

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Agroforestry – an Environmental and Production Alternative in Agriculture

Platform for the Landscape coordinated by the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to the conference Agroforestry – an Environmental and Production...

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Dr. Harmony J. Dalgeish will give a talk in Průhonice

On Thursday 21 February 2019 at 10 a.m. Dr. Harmony J. Dalgeish will give a talk on Herbivory and functional traits affect the demography of Asclepias syriaca (JPG, 276...

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PhD course “Go belowground! 2019”

The Department of Functional Ecology, Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences organizes a PhD course of functional ecology „Go belowground!“ from 15 to 21 September 2019....

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Workshop Progress in the use of UAS Techniques for Environmental Monitoring

Workshop will be held at the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Průhonice, Czech Republic, during 27 February to 1 March 2019 as a...

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New issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published

New issue of Folia Geobotanica (4/2018) has been published. For contents

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New issue of Folia Geobotanica on the Carpathian flora has been published

Special issue of Folia Geobotanica (3/2018) on the ecology and evolution of the Carpathian flora has been published. For contents

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Destructive tropical cyclones move north

Destructive typhoons are moving poleward. This is the main finding of the study, which documents that the destructive impact of typhoons is moving to new areas on...

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New book “Temperate herbs: an architectural analysis“

Publishing house Academia released book “ Temperate herbs: an architectural analysis“ by Jitka Klimešová who is focusing her research at the Institute of Botany on functional morphology...

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PhD course “Go Belowground 2018!”

In the week of Sept 16-22 2018, scientists from the Department of Functional Ecology of the Institute of Botany in Třeboň (Jitka Klimešová, Jana Martínková, Arinawa Filartiga...

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Anatomy, Age and Ecology of High Mountain Plants in Ladakh, the Western Himalaya

A new book by authors from the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and their colleagues providing new insights into the anatomy of high-mountain...

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A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 2/2018

A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published. For contents

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A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 1/2018

Environmental controls of raised-bog vegetation in the Baltic boreo-nemoral zone or Diversity and occurrence of herbaceous communities in West African savannas in relation to climate, land use...

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A database of critically revised data on Czech flora and vegetation has been launched

A database of Czech flora and vegetation prepared by Masaryk University, the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and University of South Bohemia has...

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Ken Thompson and Jitka Klimešová on disturbance frequency, severity and effects on plant traits

At the BES Annual Meeting, Ken Thompson, Editor for Functional Ecology, caught up with Jitka Klimešová from the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and...

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