Registration for the international conference on plant population biology, organized by the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of...

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New Flora and Vegetation of Nepal

Due to the high topographical diversity, Nepal has a very unique flora and vegetation and plant life of Nepal accounts for 20% of the Himalayan biodiversity. New...

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Belowground plant organs and their functional ecology

Special issue of Folia Geobotanica edited by Jitka Klimešová is devoted to belowground plant organs. It presents 7 papers from 4 continents (South America, North America, Asia,...

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Researchers from the Institute of Botany discovered a new type of coexistence between algae and fungi

Researchers from the Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, described the symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae which science has largely overlooked until now. The coexistence...

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Umělecké znázornění krajiny před 400 miliony let, v době kdy rostliny začaly diverzifikovat uspořádání svých vodivých pletiv, zvyšovat svůj celkový vzrůst a šířit se krajinou od zdrojů vody. © Julian Kiely, 2022

Hundred-year-old riddle in botany reveals key plant adaptation to dry land

The green world that we live in would not have been possible without hidden changes to the plant body over the last 400 million years. To grow...

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British Ecological Society Harper Prize 2021 awarded to Dina int Zandt

The John L Harper Early Career Researcher Award is given each year to the best paper in the Journal of Ecologyz by an early career author at...

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Celebrate with us the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Botany

To celebrate our anniversary, we have prepared an online seminar with distinguished guests from around the world who will reflect on the importance of classical botany in...

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The Life for Minuartia project has been selected as one of the finalists for the LIFE Awards 2022

The project is already considered one of the twelve "Best LIFE Projects". The award is given annually by the European Commission in cooperation with the National Focal...

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We condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and its people

We hereby publicly condemn Russia's aggression against Ukraine and its people. We cooperate with Ukrainian scientists in our research areas in western Ukraine and the White Carpathians....

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horský tropický les Kamerun

Number of Earth’s tree species estimated to be 14% higher than currently known, with some 9,200 species yet to be discovered

A new study involving more than 100 scientists from across the globe and the largest forest database yet assembled estimates that there are about 73,000 tree species...

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Institute of Botany of the CAS celebrates its 60th anniversary

On 1 January 2022, the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences celebrated 60 years since its foundation. In the six decades of its existence,...

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The global loss of floristic uniqueness

Regional species assemblages have been shaped by colonization, speciation and extinction over millions of years. Humans have altered biogeography by introducing species to new ranges. However, an...

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Logo HR Excellence in Research

The Institute of Botany has received an international award in human resource management, the “HR Excellence in Research”

From October 2021, the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences is included in the list of institutions that have been awarded the "Quality Mark"...

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A garden in the desert at EXPO 2020

A garden in the desert at Expo 2020

At the heart of the Czech pavilion is the S.A.W.E.R. (Solar Air Water Energy Resource) system, which produces water from dry desert air using only solar energy....

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Logo konference

33rd Conference of the Plant Population Biology Section of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ)

We invite you to the on-line POPBIO 2021 conference from 27th to 29th May 2021. The conference is hosting about one hundred participants each year with presentations...

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Atlas of Stem Anatomy of Arctic and Alpine Plants Around the Globe_2

New book: Atlas of Stem Anatomy of Arctic and Alpine Plants Around the Globe

Approximately 350 species are presented in the first book providing comprehensive information on the anatomy and ecology of arctic and alpine plants from cold sites around the...

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Looking deep into nature

Over 150 researchers at the IB look deep into taxonomy, evolution and ecology of plants and fungi. They seek to better understand the complex relationships in nature to help protect biodiversity and the natural environment. For more information, view our Presentation or explore our Research section.



Laureátka Praemium Academiae

Towards a better understanding of belowground plant organs

Jitka Klimešová from the Institute of Botany is one of the laureates of Academic Award – Praemium Academiae, the most important scientific award in the Czech Republic...

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How to be the first in the plant kingdom

More than a third of the species of temperate perennial angiosperms choose an interesting strategy for a successful spring start – preformation of the inflorescence. The plants...

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Comparative Plant Succession among Terrestrial Biomes of the World

Despite a century of study by ecologists, recovery following disturbances (succession) is not fully understood. This book provides the first global synthesis that compares plant succession in...

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