


Pyšek P., Chytrý M., Pergl J., Sádlo J. & Wild J. 2012: Plant invasions in the Czech Republic: current state, introduction dynamics, invasive species and invaded habitats. Preslia 84, 576 - 630.
Červenka J., Wild J., Svoboda M., Kopecký M., Macek M., Brůna J. & Zenáhlíková J. 2011: The state of the Natural Regeneration in Bavarian Forest National Park, 10 Years after the Total Death Parent Stands. In: Marušák R., Dvořák J. & Natov P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Young Scientists (COYOUS 2011), Česká zemědělská univerzita, Praha, 50 - 56. doi:nemá
Holec J.& Wild J. 2011: Fungal diversity in sandstone gorges of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Czech Republic): impact of climatic inversion. Czech Mycology 63, 243 - 263.
Pyšek P., Jarošík V., Pergl J. & Wild J. 2011: Colonization of high altitudes by alien plants over the last two centuries. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 108, 439 - 440. doi:10.1073/pnas.1017682108
Zenáhlíková J., Svoboda M., Wild J., Kopecký M. & Macek M. 2011: The Regeneration Stand and Heigh Increment 10 Years after a Dieback Caused by Bark Beetle Outbreak. In: Marušák R., Dvořák J. & Natov P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Young Scientists (COYOUS 2011), Česká zemědělská univerzita, Praha, 108 - 119. doi:nemá
Münzbergová Z., Hadincová V., Wild J., Herben T. & Marešová J. 2010: Spatial and temporal variation in dispersal pattern of an invasive pine. Biological Invasions 12, 2471 - 2486. doi:10.1007/s10530-009-9656-4
Petřík P., Pergl J. & Wild J. 2010: Recording effort biases the species richness cited in plant distribution atlases. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 12, 57 - 65. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2009.06.004
Pyšek P., Bacher S., Chytrý M., Jarošík V., Wild J., Celesti-Grapow L., Gassó N., Kenis M., Lambdon P. W., Nentwig W., Pergl J., Roques A., Sádlo J., Solarz W., Vila M. & Hulme P. E. 2010: Contrasting patterns in the invasions of European terrestrial and freshwater habitats by alien plants, insects and vertebrates. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19, 317 - 331. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2009.00514.x
Pyšek P., Chytrý M., Wild J., Pino J., Maskell L. C. & Vila M. 2010: Mapping invasion by alien plants in Europe. In: Settele J., Penev L., Georgiev T., Grabaum R., Grobelnik V., Hammen V., Klotz S., Kotarac M. & Kühn I. (eds), Atlas of biodiversity risk, p. 146-147, Pensoft, Sofia & Moscow., 146 - 147.
Pyšek P., Jarošík V., Hulme P.E., Kühn I., Wild J., Arianoutsou M., Bacher S., Chiron F., Didžiulis V., Essl F., Genovesi P., Gherardi F., Hejda M., Kark S., Lambdon P.W., Desprez-Loustau A.-M., Nentwig W., Pergl J., Poboljšaj K., Rabitsch W., Roques A., Roy D.B., Shirley S., Solarz W., Vila M. & Winter M. 2010: Disentangling the role of environmental and human pressures on biological invasions across Europe. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 107, 12157 - 12162. doi:10.1073/pnas.1002314107
Pyšek P., Pergl J., Jahodová Š., Moravcová L., Müllerová J., Perglová I. & Wild J. 2010: The hogweed story: invasion of Europe by large Heracleum species. In: Settele J., Penev L., Georgiev T., Grabaum R., Grobelnik V., Hammen V., Klotz S., Kotarac M. & Kühn I. (eds), Atlas of biodiversity risk, p. 150-151, Pensoft, Sofia & Moscow., 150 - 151.
Chytrý M., Pyšek P., Wild J., Pino J., Maskell L. C. & Vilà M. 2009: European map of alien plant invasions, based on the quantitative assessment across habitats. Diversity and Distributions 15, 98 - 107. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2008.00515.x
Chytrý M., Wild J., Pyšek P., Tichý L., Danihelka J. & Knollová I. 2009: Maps of the level of invasion of the Czech Republic by alien plants. Preslia 81, 187 - 207.
Hadincová V., Münzbergová Z., Wild J., Šajtar L. & Marešová J. 2008: Dispersal of invasive Pinus strobus in sandstone areas of the Czech Republic. In: Tokarska-Guzik B., Brock J. H., Brundu G., Child L. E., Daehler C. C. & Pyšek P. (eds) Plant invasions: Human perception, ecological impacts and management. Backhuys Publisher, Leiden, The Netherlands., 117 - 132.
Pyšek P., Jarošík V., Müllerová J., Pergl J. & Wild J. 2008: Comparing the rate of invasion by Heracleum mantegazzianum at continental, regional, and local scales. Diversity and Distributions 14, 355 - 363.
Wild J. & Winkler E. 2008: Krummholz and grassland coexistence above the forest-line in the Krkonoše Mountains: Grid-based model of shrub dynamics. Ecological Modelling 213, 293 - 307.
Svitavská-Svobodová H., Frantík T., Wild J. & Melichar, V. 2007: Pylový monitoring Šumavy 1996 - 2006. Pollen monitoring of the Bohemian Forest in the years 1996 - 2006. In: Dvořák L., Šuster P. & Braun V. (eds.) Aktuality šumavského výzkumu III. Sborník z konference v Srní 4.-5. 10. 2007, Správa NP a CHKO Šumava, Vimperk, 2007-09-12, 34 - 35.
Wildová R., Wild J. & Herben T. 2007: Fine-scale dynamics of rhizomes in a grassland community. Ecography 30, 264 - 276.
Kyncl T., Suda J., Wild J., Wildová R. & Herben T. 2006: Population dynamics and clonal growth of Spartocytisus supranubius (Fabaceae), a dominant shrub in the alpine zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands. Plant Ecology 186, 97 - 108.
Petřík P. & Wild J. 2006: Environmental correlates of the patterns of plant distribution at the mesoscale: a case study from Northern Bohemia (Czech Republic). Preslia 78, 211 - 234.