Botanický ústav AV ČR,
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Publikace |
2001: Mandák B. & Prach K. (2001): Cycloloma atriplicifolia – a new adventive species for Hungary. – Preslia, Praha, 73: 153–160.. |
2001: Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. Fruit dispersal and seed banks in Atriplex sagittata: the role of heterocarpy. Journal of Ecology, 89, [-] 159-165 (2001).. |
2001: Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. The effects of light quality, nitrate concentration and presence of bracteoles on germination of different fruit types in the heterocarpous Atriplex sagittata. Journal of Ecology, 89, [-] 149-158 (2001).. |
2001: Pyšek, P. - Mandák, B. - Francírková, T. - Prach, K. Persistence of stout clonal herbs as invaders in the landscape: a field test of historical records. In: Plant invasions: Species ecology and ecosystem management. - (Ed. Brundu, G.; Brock, J.; Camar.. |
2001: Pyšek P., Mandák B., Francírková T. & Prach K. (2001): Persistence of stout clonal herbs as invaders in the landscape: a field test of historical records. – In: Brundu G., Brock J., Camarda I., Child L. & Wade M. (eds.), Plant invasions: Species eco.. |
2001: Pyšek, P. - Mandák, B. Křídlatka japonská, k. sachalinská a k. česká - Reynoutria japonica Houtt., R. sachalinensis (F.Schmidt) Nakai, R. bohemica Chrtek et Chrtková. In: Rostlinné invaze. - (Ed. Pyšek, P.; Tichý, L.). - 1.Brno, Rezekvítek 20.. |
2001: 27. Bímová K. & Mandák B. (2001): Nová jihočeská lokalita vstavače osmahlého (Orchis ustulata). – Roezliana 30: 41–42.. |
1999: Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. Effects of plant density and nutrient levels on fruit polymorphism in Atriplex sagittata. Oecologia, 119, 63-72 (1999).. |
1999: Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. How does density and nutrient stress affect allometry and fruit production in the heterocarpic species Atriplex sagittata (Chenopodiaceae)? Canadian Journal of Botany, 77, 1106-1119 (1999).. |
: Bímová, K. - Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. Experimental study of vegetative regeneration in four invasive Reynoutria taxa (Polygonaceae). Plant Ecology, 166, 1-11 (2003).. |