


Kvíderová J., Kumar D., Lukavský J., Kaštánek P. & Adhikary S. P. 2019: Estimation of growth and exopolysaccharide production by two soil cyanobacteria, Scytonema tolypothrichoides and Tolypothrix bouteillei as determined by cultivation in irradiance and temperature crossed gradients. Engineering in Life Sciences 19, 184 - 195. doi:10.1002/elsc.201800082
Řezanka T., Vítová M., Lukavský J., Nedbalová L. & Kolouchová I. 2019: Rapid screening of very long-chain fatty acids from microorganisms. Journal of Chromatography A 1605, 1 - 10. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2019.460365
Strunecký O., Kopejtka K., Goecke F., Tomasch J., Lukavský J., Neori A., Kahl S., Pieper D.H., Pilarski P., Kaftan D. & Koblížek M. 2019: High diversity of thermophilic cyanobacteria in Rupite hot spring identified by microscopy, cultivation, single‑cell PCR and amplicon sequencing. Extremophiles 23, 35 - 48. doi:10.1007/s00792-018-1058-z
Uhliariková I., Chválová B., Matulová M., Cepák V., Lukavský J. & Capek P. 2019: Extracellular biopolymers produced by freshwater cyanobacteria: a screening study. Chemical Papers 73, 771 - 776. doi:10.1007/s11696-018-0625-1
Halaj M., Chválová B., Cepák V., Lukavský J. & Capek P. 2018: Searching for microalgal species producing extracellular biopolymers. Chemical Papers 72, 2673 - 2678. doi:10.1007/s11696-018-0517-4
Halaj M., Matulová M., Šutovská M., Barboríková J., Kazimierová I., Fraňová S., Přibyl P., Cepák V., Lukavský J. & Capek P. 2018: Chemico-physical and pharmacodynamic properties of extracellular Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides biopolymer. Carbohydrate Polymers 198, 215 - 224. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.06.018
Halaj M., Paulovičová E., Paulovičová L., Jantová S., Cepák V., Lukavský J. & Capek P. 2018: Biopolymer of Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides - chemical characterization and biological effects. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 113, 1248 - 1257. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.03.052
Řezanka T., Lukavský J., Vítová M., Nedbalová L. & Sigler K. 2018: Lipidomic analysis of Botryococcus (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) – Identification of lipid classes containing very long chain fatty acids by offline twoo-dimensional LC-tandem MS. Phytochemistry 148, 29 - 38. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2018.01.011
Řezanka T., Vítová M., Lukavský J. & Sigler K. 2018: Lipidomic Study of Precursors of Endocannabinoids in Freshwater Bryozoan Pectinatella magnifica. Lipids 53, 413 - 427. doi:10.1002/lipd.12039
Goecke F., Vítová M., Lukavský J., Nedbalová L., Řezanka T. & Zachleder V. 2017: Effects of rare earth elements on growth rate, lipids, fatty acids and pigments in microalgae. Phycological Research 65, 226 - 234. doi:10.1111/pre.12180
Kumar D., Kvíderová J., Kaštánek P. & Lukavský J. 2017: The green alga Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides biomass and polysaccharides production determined using cultivation in crossed gradients of temperature and light. Engineering in Life Sciences 17, 1030 - 1038. doi:10.1002/elsc.201700014
Řezanka T., Lukavský J., Nedbalová L. & Sigler K. 2017: Lipidomic profile in three species of dinoflagellates (Amphidinium carterae, Cystodinium sp., and Peridinium aciculiferum) containing very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Phytochemistry 139, 88 - 97. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2017.04.012
Řezanka T., Nedbalová L., Lukavský J., Procházková L. & Sigler K. 2017: Lipidomic analysis of two closely related strains of the microalga Parietochloris (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts 25, 473 - 482.
Řezanka T., Nedbalová L., Lukavský J., Střížek A., & Sigler K. 2017: Pilot cultivation of the green alga Monoraphidium sp. producing a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in a low-temperature environment. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts 22, 160 - 165. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2016.12.017
Sedlakova-Kadukova J., Velgosova O., Vosatka M., Lukavsky J., Dodd J., Willner J. & Fornalczyk A. 2017: Control over the biological synthesis of Ag nannoparticles by selection of the specific algal species. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 62, 1439 - 1442. doi:10.1515/amm-2017-0222
Šutovská M., Kočmálová M., Pappová L., Fraňová S.,Chyba A., Kopecký J., Lukavský J., Cepák V. & Capek P. 2017: The chemical profile and pharmacodynamic properties of extracellular Wollea saccata biopolymer. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 103, 863 - 869. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.05.014
Cepák V., Kvíderová J. & Lukavský J. 2016: The first description of snow algae on Mount Olympus (Greece). Nova Hedwigia 103, 457 - 473. doi:10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2016/0365
Cepák V., Lukavský J. & Kvíderová J. 2015: První nález sněžných řas na hoře Olymp v Řecku. Botanika 3, 10 - 10.
Cybulska, J., Halaj M., Cepák V., Lukavský J. & Capek P. 2015: Nanostructure features of microalgae biopolymer. Starch-Starke 68, 629 - 636. doi:10.1002/star.201500159
Iliev I., Petkov G., Lukavský J. 2015: An approach to bioremediation of mineral oil polluted soil. Genetics and Plant Physiology 5, 162 - 169.