


Kaštovský J, Řeháková K, Bastl M, Vymazal J, King RS 2008: Experimental assesment of phosphorus effects on algal assemblages in dosing mesocosms. In: Richardson,C. The Everglades experiments. Lesson for ecosystems restoration, Springer New York ISBN 9780387987965 (edice Ecological Studies 201), 461 - 475.
Vymazal J, Komárková J, Řeháková K, Kaštovský J, Bastl M 2008: Algal responses to long-term nutrient additions. In: Richardson,C. The Everglades experiments. Lesson for ecosystems restoration, Springer New York ISBN 9780387987965 (edice Ecological Studies 201), 261 - 275.
Zapomělová E., Hrouzek P., Řeháková K., Šabacká M., Stibal M., Caisová L., Komárková J. & Lukešová A. 2008: Morphological variability in selected heterocytous cyanobacterial strains as a response to varied temperature, light intensity and medium composition. Folia Microbiologica 53, 333 - 341.
Kaštovská K., Stibal M., Šabacká M., Černá B., Šantrůčková H. & Elster J. 2007: Microbial community structure and ecology of subglacial sediments in two polythermal Svalbard glaciers characterized by epifluorescence microscopy and PLFA. Polar Biology 30, 277 - 287.
Řeháková K., Johansen J.R., Casamatta D.A., Xuesong L. & Vincent J. 2007: Morphological and molecular characterization of selected desert soil cyanobacteria: three species new to science including Mojavia pulchra gen. et sp. nov. Phycologia 46, 481 - 502.
Stibal M., Elster J., Šabacká M. & Kaštovská K. 2007: Seasonal and diel changes in photosynthetic activity of the snow algae Chlamydomonas nivalis (Chlorophyceae) from Svalbard determined by PAM fluorometry. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 59, 265 - 273.
Komárek J., Taton A., Sulek J., Wilmotte A., Kaštovská K. & Elster J. 2006: Ultrastructure and taxonomic position of two species of the cyanobacterial genus Schizothrix. 27, 53 - 62.
Stibal M., Šabacká M. & Kaštovská K. 2006: Microbial Communities on Glacier Surfaces in Svalbard: Impact of Physical and Chemical Properties on Abundance and Structure of Cyanobacteria and Algae. Microbial Ecology 52, 644 - 654.
Kaštovská K., Elster J., Stibal M. & Šantrůčková H. 2005: Microbial assemblages in soil microbial succession after glacial retreat in Svalbard (High Arctic). Microbial Ecology 50, 396 - 407.
Rajaniemi P., Hrouzek P., Kaštovská K., Williame R., Rantala A., Hoffmann L., Komárek J. & Sivonen K. 2005: Phylogenic and morphological evaluation of the genera Anabena, Aphanizomenon, Trichormus and Nostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria). 55, 11 - 26.
Lukavský J., Bauer J., Kaštovská K., Lederer F. & Šmilauer P. 2004: Phytobentos of streams in the Bohemian/Bavarian Forest underdifferent human impacts. Silva Gabreta 10, 45 - 78.
Rajaniemi P., Hoffmann L., Willame R., Komárek J., Hrouzek P., Kaštovská K. & Sivonen K. 2004: Phylogenetic and morphological evaluation of selected planctic nostocalean cyanobacteria: taxonomic consequences. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 60 - 60.
Elster J., Stibal M. & Kaštovská K. 2003: Svalbard - mezinárodní centrum výzkumu Arktidy. Živa 6, 262 - 264.