Jankovská V. 2006: Pyloanalytický výzkum. In: Belcredi L. BYSTŘEC- O založení, životě a zániku středověké vsi. Brno, 2006., 398 - 404. |
Jankovská V. 2006: Pyloanalytický záznam klimatických a vegetačních změn v palsách evropské boreální zóny. In: Ábelová M. et Ivanov M. (ed.): 12.Kvartér 2006. Sborn.abstraktů, Brno., 11 - 12. |
Jankovská V. 2006: The Krkonoše Mts (Giant´s Mts) and palynological research:new results and interesting palaeobotanical finds. Sborn. abstraktů z konference \\, 13 - 13. |
Jankovská V., Andreev A.A. & Panova N.K. 2006: Holocene environmental history on the Polar Ural Mountains , Russia. Boreas 35, 650 - 661. |
Jankovská V. & Belcredi L. 2006: Bystřec - zaniklá středověká osada: výsledky a intepretace pylových analýz. In:Hašek V., Nekuda R. & Ruttkay M. (eds.). In service to archaeology VII., 170 - 174. |
Jankovská V., Pokorný P. & Petr L. 2006: Late Glacial and Early Holocene environmental record from lake sediments in the Czech Republic. In: Abstacts from 7th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference (7 EPPC 6.-11.September 2006), National Muzeum Prague, 59 - 59. |
Kozáková R., Pokorný P. & Jankovská V. 2006: Pollen analyses from Early and Late Medieval town of Prague. In: Abstacts from 7th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference (7 EPPC 6.-11.September 2006), National Muzeum Prague, 71 - 71. |
Kuneš P., Pokorný P., Abraham V. & Jankovská V. 2006: Vegetation history of Czech sandstone landscapes derived from peat profiles. In: Abstracts from 7th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference (7 EPPC 2006, 6.-11-September 2006), National Museum Prague, 73 - 73. |
Lučeničová B., Kuneš P., Jankovská V., Svobodová H., Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Ermakov N., Hájek M., Hájková P., Havlová M., Kočí M., Kubešová S., Lustyk P., Otýková Z., Roleček J., Šmarda P. & Valachovič M 2006: Diversity of vegetation types and modern pollen spectra in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia. In:Abstracts from 7th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference (7 EPPC 2006, 6.-11-September 2006), National Museum Prague, 83 - 84. |
Opravilová, V. & Hájek, M. 2006: The variation of testacean assemblages (Rhizopoda) along the complete base-richness gradient in fens: a case study from the Western Carpathians. Acta protozoologica 45, 191 - 204. |
Pokorný P. et Jankovská V. 2006: Czech Quaternary: B 4.1 Lake Švarcenberk, B 4.2 Aeolian sand dune near Vlkov, B 4.3 Borkovická blata traditional mire. In:Fatka O. et Kvaček J. (eds.). Excursions quide book, 7 EPPC 2006, 6.-11.September 2006, Prague, 76 - 82. |
Roszková A. & Jankovská V. 2006: The pollen analysis of the chosen Quaternary localities from the Giant Mountains (Krkonoše). In: Abstarcts from 7th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference (7 EPPC 2006, 6.-11-September 2006), National Museum Prague, 115 - 115. |
Rybníčková E. & Rybníček K. 2006: Pollen and macroscopic analyses of sediments from two lakes in the High Tatra mountains, Slovakia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 15, 345 - 356. |
Šumberová K., Lososová Z., Fabšičová M. & Horáková V. 2006: Variability of vegetation of exposed pond bottoms in relation to management and environmental factors. Preslia 78, 235 - 252. |
Tůma I., Fiala K. & Holub P. 2006: Comparison of biomass formation, nutrient uptake and release in grass and fern stands on deforested polluted areas. Bugár G., Boltižiar M. (eds.) Abstract proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Problems of Landscape Ecology Research, ILE SAS Nitra, 91 - 92. |
Tůma I., Fiala K., Holub P. & Pande K. 2006: Biomass formation, nutrient uptake and release in fern stands of Athyrium distentifolium on deforested areas affected by pollution: comparison with grass stands. Ekológia, Bratislava 25, 264 - 279. |
Urban O., Tůma I., Holub P. & Marek M.V. 2006: Photosynthesis and growth response of Calamagrostis arundinacea and C. villosa to enhanced UV-B radiation. Photosynthetica 44(2), 215 - 220. |
Botta-Dukát Z., CHytrý M., Hájková P. & Havlová M. 2005: Vegetation of lowland wet meadows along a climatic continentality gradient in Central Europe. Preslia 77, 89 - 111. |
Fiala K. 2005: Stanovení sezónních změn v růstu kořenů a jejich roční produkce. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Společ., Praha 40, Materiály 20, 13 - 24. |
Fiala K., Tůma I., Holub P. & Jandák J. 2005: The role of Calamagrostis communities in preventing soil acidification and base cation losses in a deforested mountain area affected by acid deposition. Plant and Soil 268, 35 - 49. |