Protection of priority grassland habitats in the SCIs of the South Moravian Region

Název: Protection of priority grassland habitats in the SCIs of the South Moravian Region
Řešitelé: Pánková Hana (vedoucí – hlavní řešitel)
Pánková Karolína (člen řeš. kolektivu)
Poskytovatel: LIFE
Řešeno od: 2019
Řešeno do: 2025
Cíle: The main objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of 5 priority habitats *6240, *6250, *6210, *91H0 and, *91I0 and partly also 1 non-priority 6210. Primally in the norhern edge of the Pannonian bioregion and on its border with Carpathian and Continental bioregions, in 1 site also in Continental bioregion. Another fundamental objective will be the creation of a comprehensive system of habitat care during the project and the sustainability of care after the end of the project. Fulfilling this goal will take into account both the maximum recovery of traditional farming and the use of alternate procedures with the lowest entry costs. Primarily, this will be the recovery of grazing, as well as restoration of mowing, habitat maintenance - all in co-operation with local farmers, subcontractors of companies and NGOs certified in care and the creation of a stable system of volunteering.

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