Seznam projektů




Identifikační kód Název   ^   v Období realizace   ^   v
Květena České republiky - svazek 8/2 2004 - 2006
Bioplatform 2002 - 2005
Taxonomic study of Taraxacum (Asteraceae) in Central Asia: sections related to the sect. Leucantha 2002 - 2004
GA206/02/0355 Evolution of cosmopolitan genera: A molecular study of Luzula and Juncus 2002 - 2004
Evolution of cosmopolitan genera: A molecular study of Luzula and Juncus 2002 - 2004
Evolution of cosmopolitan genera: A molecular study of Luzula and Juncus 2002 - 2004
GA206/02/0346 Taxonomic study of Taraxacum (Asteraceae) in Central Asia: sections related to the sect. Leucantha 2002 - 2004
Taxonomic study of Taraxacum (Asteraceae) in Central Asia: sections related to the sect. Leucantha 2002 - 2004