Seznam projektů




Identifikační kód Název   ^   v Období realizace   ^   v
INTERREG ATCZ45 Crossborder Habitat Network and Management – Connecting Nature AT-CZ 2017 - 2020
INTERREG ATCZ45 Crossborder Habitat Network and Management – Connecting Nature AT-CZ 2017 - 2020
300901EU Crossborder Habitat Network and Management - Connecting Nature AT-CZ 2017 - 2020
COST TD1209 - Alien Challenge 2013 - 2017
COST TD1209 - Alien Challenge 2013 - 2017
COST TD1209 - Alien Challenge 2013 - 2017
COST TD1209 - Alien Challenge 2013 - 2017
COST TD1209 - Alien Challenge 2013 - 2017
COST E38.003 - Woody root processes 2005 - 2007
COST E38.003 - Woody root processes 2005 - 2007
COST E38 Woody roots processes
COST E38 Woody roots processes
COST - Conserve plants 2019 - 2023
COST - Conserve plants
Cosmopolitan plant genera from Juncaceae family: Molecular study of Juncus 2002 - 2003
Cosmopolitan plant genera from Juncaceae family: Molecular study of Juncus 2002 - 2003
P504/10/1486 Correlation of changes in mycorrhizal community and diversity of rare species on abandoned fields 2010 - 2014
GAP504/10/1486 Correlation of changes in mycorrhizal community and diversity of rare species on abandoned fields 2010 - 2014
GAP504/10/1486 Correlation of changes in mycorrhizal community and diversity of rare species on abandoned fields 2010 - 2014
GP206/09/P340 Co ovlivňuje výběr stanoviště mykoheterotrofních rostlin: abiotické faktory nebo symbiotické vztahy? Modelová studie orchideje Pseudorchis albida 2010 - 2014